Your favourite band no one has heard of

Peste Noire are great.

Some great bands I like that no one else here probably listens to or has heard of:

Legion of Darkness
Arcana Coelestia
Morte Incandescente
Flagellum Dei
Cry of Silence

i love verdunkeln

also: Graupel
I'm guessing that "no one" is a hyperbole of sorts. I'm fairly certain that someone here has heard of most of these bands, but they go unnoticed by a majority of people.

I would probably say Excelsis.
I'm guessing that "no one" is a hyperbole of sorts. I'm fairly certain that someone here has heard of most of these bands, but they go unnoticed by a majority of people.

I would probably say Excelsis.

My criterion would be "that no one else on this forum has heard of."

Mosh-worthy thrash from Seattle. Underground as hell, but great metal.
Arcane Sun

I know a few that know of them, but more need to hear what near perfect sounds like.

I've never heard them, but I've read about them and want to hear them badly. Ben t actually offered to sell his copy. I need to contact him about that.