Your favourite band no one has heard of

I always thought Happy Days was a cool name for a band, not that big on their music, but it's alright.

Not many people seem to know about Contra Ignem Fatuum, an ambient black metal project from the UK. I mention it and his side-project Convalescent quite a bit on this board because they are awesome.
Thyestean Feast - Melodic BM, kinda like Windir but better imo.

The Angelic Process - Shoegaze/Drone/Doom.

Synaulia - Ancient Music, really cool and basically unknown it seems.

Nadja - Ambient/Shoegaze/Doom/whatever, never seen anyone mention them here or anywhere else.

Insect Warfare - Grindcore, some here may know them but meh.

Karysun - Stoner Rock/Metal, like a better and heavier Clutch.

Across Tundras - Sludgey/Psychedelic/Metal.

Paul Ruskay - Homeworld ST, great eastern influenced ambient/electronic stuff. Best video game ST ever.
Damn, I just browsed through the entire thread, and the only bands I've ever even heard of before (but not necessarily heard) are Windir, Wolves in the Throne Room, Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis (ignoring unserious suggestions like Metallica or a member's own band like Kastigation) and out of those the only band I've even heard is Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis.
A local band, Chunky Discharge. Mostly instrumental experimental/progressive rock. They're at my high school and I know all the members and stuff. Cool guys. The music is fucking dope. They don't play many shows and they haven't recorded anything last I heard though. Officially making them the kvltest shit you've never heard of.

Also, Human Fortress and Gun Barrel. If you want some fucking kickass raw European power metal check out HF. If you want some killer rock'n'roll try Gun Barrel.
Wastelander, Harbinger, and Quintessence, all Michigan bands within the same circle as the Sauron guys.
I think this is the worst name ever.

It's actually quite a clever ploy to get publicity. I doubt they would get half as much recognition under a more standardised name.

Anyway, i think this is worse - Misanthropic Nemesis Upon the Bloody Altar of Ragnarok... or perhaps Patrickkk and the Swayzeez who I just found through the MNuoBAoR page. My God they're awful, though I think that's the point.
They both sort of double as bands nobody has heard of, except they're shit.
Well and then there's Deathspade and Hateplow.
And Cumbeast.
And Goretrade, Gortuary, and Goratory (who actually all kick ass).