Your favourite band no one has heard of

I was a little disappointed with the Dark Faith album. I was really impressed with the song With Skeptics Grieving but I felt the rest of the album was a little lackluster.
Nice Robert Jordan reference. So many bands have named themselves after Tolkien. It was only a matter of time before they started using authors like Jordan and George R.R. Martin.

Pretty cool music too. :cool: I like the clean vocals.

considering that jordan has based his world largely on tolkein... i'm not sure there is much of a difference :lol:
You mean "is a complete rip-off of Tolkien's." :cool: And he's not a very good writer either.

I don't know if you're talking about The Wheel of Time, but if you are, there's no way that's a complete rip-off of Tokien. There's similarities, but the general premise of Tolkien's stories definitely wasn't entirely original either.
I don't know if you're talking about The Wheel of Time, but if you are, there's no way that's a complete rip-off of Tokien. There's similarities, but the general premise of Tolkien's stories definitely wasn't entirely original either.

Well, both authors borrowed from hero cycles and mythology to create their stories; but Jordan is basically a huge Tolkien nerd who took the series and expanded upon it to satisfy his own storytelling desires. Tolkien brought mythological fantasy to popular fiction. Jordan... didn't really do anything. He wrote a long ass mediocre story.
Song Of Ice And Fire kicks so much asss it's not even funny, it has probably topped the Dark Tower as my all time favorite book series.
i read 'a game of thrones' and almost put it down midway through because it bored the shit out of me with its ten clichés per minute

steven erikson is where it's at, along with stephen donaldson, glen cook, ian c esslemont, scott bakker, china mieville, etcetc all that crowd
I like Steve Erikson, no country, but Martin is a much better writer. Erikson has created a great story, but no one comes close to Martin as a true writer, which might be why you found it boring. Martin spends a lot of time with his characters, whereas Erikson focuses more on the epic size of his story.

But I agree with you Bungle; Martin is the modern king of high fantasy.

I actually even like R. Scott Bakker as a writer, moreso than Erikson.

My top three favorite fantasy authors would probably be, in this order:
most of martin's characters are one-dimensional stock characters who tend to overturn their own stereotypes in the most obvious of ways - granted this is only based on the first book, but still. erikson's characters on the other hand all have complex histories and horrendous burdens written across their weathered meins but nothing is spoonfed, each begins as a mystery, a potentiality within which characteristics flicker elusively and gradually exert themselves unpredictably upon the already labyrinthine story. if that makes erikson an inferior writer then so is, say, cormac mccarthy - in which case i love bad writers
Ah, people can get it back on topic whenever they want, it's not a big deal. Just a little side conversation. :cool:


@no country: if that's your thing, that's cool man. I disagree, and Martin's characters definitely develop over the course of his books. He takes his time with them. And trust me, the cliches are done away with by the time you finish the third book (or at least, he breaks a lot of them; the third book is insane).