your favourites songs of borknagar

of course colossus and the whole archaic course from the simen stuff :rock:

the genuine pulse and gods of my world from the stuff including mr. V.

and almost every song on the self titled album and the olden domain (especially dauden and to mountains rove rocks!!)

it's hard to say, 'cause there are many differences in nearly every borknagar song and they all kick ass!

Imho the Selftitled is Black Metal with some Folk influences but Melodic BM...I don't think so...

And I have to add "The Presence is ominious" to my Fave Songs...
well there's more but that one gets me going. anythign from the s/t to empircism. the black token, colosuss, eye of odin, oceans rise etc etc etc
The Genuine Pulse
Gods Of My World
The Presence Is Ominous
Oceans Rise
Grimland Domain
Fandens Alheim
The Black Canvas
Collossus is the greatest and the rest in no particular order
The Witching Hour was the first Borknagar track that I ever heard and is still my favourite. I never really liked any music of any type until I heard it. I remember just stopping and thinking - that was brilliant, got to remember the words. Of course, I couldn't remember a single word of it the first 2 times I heard it (radio).

Other favourites: Dauden, A Tale of Pagan Tongue, The Dawn of the End, Oceans Rise, Winter Millenium, Colossus, Revolt, Gods of My World, Inherit the Earth
I went to cut them down, but I really dont want to remove any....
Everything is great, but i would pick:

The Eye of Oden
Vintervredets Sjelesagn
The Winterway
Grimland Domain
Ascension Of Our Fathers
Ocean´s Rise
Witching Hour
Rivalry Of Phantoms
Genesis Torn (That middle part where all the plates sound, it kicks ass!)
The Genuine Pulse
Gods Of My World
I'm recently getting into this band and they're pretty great, so far I really like

Winter Millenium
In no particular order:
The Dawn of a New Age
The Winterway
Vintervredets Sjelesagn
The Eye of Oden
Grimland Domain
Soul Sphere
Ruins of the Future
The Genuine Pulse
The Black Canvas
nothing can top this song at all.
One of my fave songs of all time musically and lyrically.