your favourites songs of borknagar

Collosus was I think the first song I heard by Borknagar ever... and I think thats why I like it so much. One song that i've recently rediscovered is Revolt... that has some premium Vocals by vortex. Awesome tune.
grimskalle trell
the witching hour
ad noctum
the presence is ominous
eye of oden
grimland domain
the stellar dome
the black token
inherit the earth
My top 5...which they should play at any concert IMO

the Dawn of the End
Soul Sphere
the Black token

Furthermore all songs with Vortex are real great, a shame he quit the band for Dimmu...
all of their songs have something likeable in them, but the ones i like a lot are

Inherit the Earth
Ad Noctum
Oceans Rise
The Mountains Rove
The Presence is Ominous
The View of Everlast
Witching Hour
Soul Sphere
Gods of My World
Four Element Synchronicity
etc, i dont want to list their whole collection haha
This is like asking me why the sky is blue..
GENESIS TORN! (enigma solved, utopia found, euphoria born)
My close second would have to be Soul Sphere
The Genuine pulse another close one but is tied wiht Rivalry of Phantoms for 3rd
4) Grimskalle Trell
all the rest are number 5
Jericha said:
I'm recently getting into this band and they're pretty great, so far I really like

Winter Millenium

and Ad Noctum, Gods of My World, and Universal kick ass too.
Shit, I really like ALL songs... Really! That's why I walk with the Borknagar logo written in my backpack, telling everyone that I'm a HUGE fan of this band! But my favorite songs are:

Vintervredets Sjelesagn
A Tale of a Pagan Tongue
Ad Noctum
Invincible (man... When I first listened to this one, I almost died! The best one of all!)
The Genuine Pulse

The best one of each album, in my opinion!
Mine are:

- Krigsstev
- Grimskalle Trell
- The Winterway
- A Tale of Pagan Tongue
- Grimland Domain
- Universal
- The Black Token
- Winter Millenium
- The Presence is Ominous
- Colossus
- The Genuine Pulse
- Gods of my World
- SoulSphere
- Inherit the Earth
- Liberated
- A View of Everlast
- Future Reminescence
- Traveller
- Origin
- Resonance
- Quintessence
For me, it's "Universal" and "The Black Canvas". I think they are the perfect combination of unique music and thought provoking lyrics.

All of their work is amazing, but as a whole, I think I am most fond of "The Archaic Course". I'm not sure why that is... there's just... I don't know... a mood there... a feeling and atmosphere throughout the whole album that is like a magnet to my mind. Then again... the stability of my mind is somewhat questionable in itself, so I'm not sure I would trust the validity of my statements :)

- 3, 4, 7, 8

the olden domain
- The Eye of Oden
- The WinterWay
- A Tale of Pagan Tongue
- The Dawn of The End

The Archaic Course
- Oceans Rise
- Universal

- Ruins of the future
- Colossus ( HYMN)

- The Genuine pulse
- Gods of my world
- Inherit the Earth
- Liberated

- Future Reminiscence
- Traveller
- Origin
- Related ( dialogue)
- Cyclus
- Quintessence
- The Wonder

ADS said:
Then again... the stability of my mind is somewhat questionable in itself, so I'm not sure I would trust the validity of my statements :)


Haha, that's brilliant :)

I agree with you when it comes to the mighty, epic feeling found on "The Archaic Course". A beautiful atmosphere runs throughout the whole album. And you've got to be mad not to dig "Oceans Rise" and "Universal" :)
Any song that Asgeir wrote the lyrics to. It just seems strange that the band saves their greatest music for songs with his lyrics... Colossus, Genesis Torn, Inherit The Earth, etc., but maybe it does make sense to put the best with the best.
Actually, it's not as strange as you might think. Depending on which came first (the music or the lyrics), one can often inspire the best in the other. If the lyrics came first, then trying to imagine musical arrangements that will match can often lead to music that's as amazing as the lyrics... as is the opposite true.

I know if it were me, and I was trying to figure out what kind of music would go with "I have seen the chaos in every course... Followed the solar dimensions of time..." ...I'll bet the music would just naturally come out awesome :)
