Borknagar: For the Elements (1996-2006)

It's a best of. Nothing new for us, excepting the booklet included and the slightly better quality for the oldest songs. I think it's a good idea for collectors and to introduce Borknagar to new people. The tracklist give you a really good idea what Borknagar is and the prize is very cheap, so what do u want from this album? a couple of unrelased songs? a bonus dvd with rare footage (live specially)? Not bad ideas but the album it's just that, a compilation with a very decent tracklist and good sound quality and an extensive booklet and I think it's ok.

About the 'remastering'... at least the remastering was not like Arcturus's ASH 2002 re-release with that weird new vocal lines (personally I prefer the 95' version but I have both of them) or Solefald's 'Circular Drain'/Arcturus 'Disguised Masters'.
^What's wrong with Arcturus's Aspiera Hymns Symfonia re-release? I plan on getting that soon, Wintrey Grey and others are awesome. :)
What're you talking about, it's not like Dauden is inaccessible. :lol:

Yes it is. The production is shit. For The Elements is supposed to be for people new to Borknagar. Unless they're a black metal fan they'll probably stop listening at Dauden, or at The Eye of Oden which isn't even very good.
Yes it is. The production is shit. For The Elements is supposed to be for people new to Borknagar. Unless they're a black metal fan they'll probably stop listening at Dauden, or at The Eye of Oden which isn't even very good.
Anyone who stops listening to an album after one track is better off just not listening to music in the first place.

I agree it's not the best opening track for an album, but it's not a crime against the band or somethig. :lol:
Yes it is. The production is shit. For The Elements is supposed to be for people new to Borknagar. Unless they're a black metal fan they'll probably stop listening at Dauden, or at The Eye of Oden which isn't even very good.

It's the most accessible track because it has the most clean singing. Duh. Don't want to scare away the kiddies who pick this up and hear constant screaming.

And "The Eye of Oden" is fucking amazing.
I guess its a matter of taste if one likes the sound of fretless or not. Though I didn't really use fretless much on that album, only for one full song (The View Of Everlast), plus the solo and outro groove on Gods. I guess I can understand that you didn't fancy the sound on Origin since I used nylon coated flats on that one, to get a more "old-school" type of sound to fit the acoustic theme of the album better.

Hi there, Erik. Just saw this post and would like to say something about the sound of your bass on the production you're mentioning since i am of completley different opinion here then Det Som En Gang Var. Actually what i really liked about your input on Empiricism was the fresh take on the bass, and the use of fretless at the end of Gods added the perfect airy vibe - or a nordic flair - to that song. As magnificient as it is beautiful.

When i listened to Origin i immidiatly took notice about the bass-sound. It had a flatter, more organic sound, and i think that it had to be intentional. it worked perfectly.

There are not many things about Borknagar that i really can criticise (maybe the production on Epic, perhaps) and your bassplaying is certainly not one of them. I think your playing - and approach to creating the bassline and sound for Borknagar - is one of the better elements in there. I was really happy (see my earlier posts) when the news got official that you were back in the band, adding depth once again to Borknagars sound.

So what i really look forward to on the next release is some interesting creative basswork, and fretless bass fits PERFECTLY!