Your Hero in metal...

All the guys of rammstein

For not giving a shit that they make shocking music, about incest, necrophilly, anal sex etc
And for there huge extrodanary show.
Lot's of fire and stuff, they make the perfect show.

Devin Townsend

It's just incredible, he plays in 3 different bands, whit completly different styles, and produces too, Respect
Carcassian said:
Just recently, there has been a lot of talk on here about the legacy of metal greats Quorthon and Chuck Schuldiner - both (rightly) recognised for their contriubtion to metal. It set me to wondering - are there any other metal "personalities" that you would greatly mourn if they passed on?

I was thinking in terms of a personal "top three", and the reasons why.

Mine would be: (in no order)

Martin Walkyier (Sabbat, Skyclad) - For writing hands down the best, most thought provoking and intelligent lyrics in metal. Also, for having stuck to the theme of metal for such a long time, when it clearly wasn't paying his bills or making his life any easier.

Ken Owen (Carcass, Blackstar) - For being the first drummer since Lombardo that actually made me notice how great his drumming was. Plus, he seems like a super great guy, and was the drummer for the single best band of all time. He's also a great fighter against adversity.

Mike Amott - (Carnage, Carcass, Arch Enemy, Candlemass, Spiritual Beggars) - Because I love to hear his unabashed adoration of old school metal set to music in his soloing, and because every band he has been in has had at least one killer album, even if he was the guitarist on "Doomsday Machine".
uh... I've always thought of Ken Owen as someone who was holding back the musicianship of Steer and Ammott with some shitty, rigid drumming.