Your Hero in metal...

Who cares. It's very good drumming for early 90's death metal.

Is groundbreaking drumming over produced,digital and triggered. I don't even care... when drumming it is good it's good. I do not like listen to music caring it it's groundbreaking or whatever.

People play instruments how they want.
Impudent said:
When did Fenriz ever do vocals?
THE CULT IS ALIVE - Graveyard Slut
How the hell could you contribute to new Darkthrone´s thread?

Impudent said:
So I will only listen to one drummer that is the best and anything else below that I will not listen to. :Smug:
Christ have you ever read the whole threaad?
Fredy_Brown said:
THE CULT IS ALIVE - Graveyard Slut
How the hell you could contribute to new Darkthrone´s thread?
I stated in said thread that I had not heard the music but had an idea on what it sounded like based on what people were saying.
I don't have a HERO in metal music. I can only name Hellhammer who is the person I respect most in metal. He is pretty fast, he is a Mayhems member from the start and he has been working with many other bands like Arcturus, Kovenant, Immortal etc.
Fredy_Brown said:
You fucking idiot, take song by Darkthrone, run it in the sound filter, add a click and watch the sound scapes, then return.
What a retard?

do you think darkthrone would sound better if the drums were rhythmically perfect?

it's his style.
Teh Grimarse said:
what fucking rhythm test?

what the hell are you talking about?

jesus christ, i really don't like you...

I agree.

I don't think anyone knows what the hell he is talking about. Musicians better watch out... fredy is testing your rythmn to see if it's proper!

fredy_elitist the musician god!

beware fredy is watching you

Even fenriz can't hide
hum... maybe you should explain what it is. Not everyone is a nerd.

I'm really not getting what you are talking about.
Carcassian said:
Just recently, there has been a lot of talk on here about the legacy of metal greats Quorthon and Chuck Schuldiner - both (rightly) recognised for their contriubtion to metal. It set me to wondering - are there any other metal "personalities" that you would greatly mourn if they passed on?

I was thinking in terms of a personal "top three", and the reasons why.

Mine would be: (in no order)

Martin Walkyier (Sabbat, Skyclad) - For writing hands down the best, most thought provoking and intelligent lyrics in metal. Also, for having stuck to the theme of metal for such a long time, when it clearly wasn't paying his bills or making his life any easier.

Ken Owen (Carcass, Blackstar) - For being the first drummer since Lombardo that actually made me notice how great his drumming was. Plus, he seems like a super great guy, and was the drummer for the single best band of all time. He's also a great fighter against adversity.

Mike Amott - (Carnage, Carcass, Arch Enemy, Candlemass, Spiritual Beggars) - Because I love to hear his unabashed adoration of old school metal set to music in his soloing, and because every band he has been in has had at least one killer album, even if he was the guitarist on "Doomsday Machine".

For me it would have to be

Jason Becker
Marty Friedman
Well, I could try...
Sound is a wave motion, you can record it visually; symmetrical wave = regular rhythm; click = absolutely regular rhythm.
The more symmetrical the waves are the more "regular" is the rythm.
Frank Brennan - guitar/clean vocals for doom metal band Mourning Beloveth, and vocalist for trad metal/doom band Old Season

Knjaz Varggoth - guitarist and vocalist for Nokturnal Mortum/Aryan Terrorism

Daniel Corchado - guitarist and vocalist for The Chasm/Cenotaph

Alexander Halac - guitarist for Arghoslent/Grand Belial's Key