Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Mini wall of doom


I want that Soldano.
I want that Soldano.

And I'm almost 2 meter height =)

Yeah, that was what I was going to say… what's "mini" about that? LOL.

Actually, I just own the 6505, the Mesa and the Soldano. That soldano is the first production hot rod, and it has all mods. So, my mini wall of doom is based on 3 amps. There is an orange and a marshall that stays on the other room. :lol:

Why the 3 ENGLs instead of just the Savage, if you don't mind me asking

Isn't it overkill, or do you get different voicings there?

I rented them for kemper profiling. Best 100 bucks spent. Its not overkill, they all sound (a lot) different. IMO, the Savage is the best of 3 for metal.
I profiled that mosnter with an eq3b through a mesa cab and through a engl pro cab.
I think I nailed the Exodus Exhibit B sound. I got really close. Clips comming soon...
First post here, longtime lurker.

I've had the Marshall 8100 since about October (CAD$150 on Kijiji, great condition and had footswitch), but I just got the Mesa a few weeks ago. It's a blue stripe Mark III, fully loaded (GEQ, Simul-Class, reverb, fan), and has all 6L6 tubes in it. Here's what it sounds like:
(Used the Mark III for rhythms and the 8100 for leads.) I paid US$710 + shipping for this beast, which I thought was a darn good deal. The picture links to a larger version if you want to see what my settings are; just so you know, my reamp box cuts a fair amount of volume so that's why the first knob is all the way up.


Picked up a TC Electronic G Major 3 weeks ago. Used it on the leads for the clip above. Sounds awesome, fairly easy to use, channel switching relays are nice. I use it in the loop of everything when reamping even when I'm not using any effects - the noise gate is awesome since I'm still trying to fix the massive hum that happens when I plug any amp into my Saffire Pro 40 (reamp box + ground lift or not, it happens either way).

Schecter Hellraiser C-1 FR that I picked up last week. 2006 model with the EMG 85 in the neck (newer ones have 89 with coil tap). Some bad scratches on the back but it plays great and it was CAD$400. Planning on fixing it up and maybe selling it.

Sorry if this was a long post but I went a bit gear-happy in the last month haha.
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I think its 150$ on sites like sweetwater. The upgrade is 89$. I think its well worth the money. So far I love this program, the new kits sound great!
I've just ordered five speaker cables for the new guitar wall in the studio(pics will come), a 10M speaker cable to put in the cable run so I can have the heads in the CR, a Maxon OD-808 and a VGS Stage One Pro Evertune. New tubes for the 5150 and Triple Recto coming up soon as well, so good times are coming up for guitarists :)
Bought a house, with 700 square feet just for a studio build with funds ready to go for it. FINALLY. 1900 sq. ft. total baby!