While not a comparison with this unit, there was a thread on here sometime last year comparing a Hairball 1176 with the Lindell 7x and the CLA76. To my ears, both of the hardware compressors made the CLA76 sound bland and lifeless in comparison. The Hairball (and to a very slightly lesser degree the Lindell) had this "excitement" for lack of a better word. I hear that same excitement in this WA76, though I haven't directly compared it to the CLA76 myself yet.
Not had chance to really properly test it yet but initial impression is good.
I like that you can group instances to globally bypass or adjust gain.
Cheers!great photo!
Yep, they're getting pretty cheap too with so many people moving to digital rigs.Used them live for vox and snare, really liked it.
DO you want to use these units fur studio stuff?