Your Least Favorite Opeth Song?

i don't know man...i used to like this song a lot but...after that part that seems like a violin i can't listen to the rest...
Probably Dirge for november. It starts out nice, but then...well i just don't like it very much. Still a good song though.
Originally posted by Gregsmack
Moonlapse Vertigo.

There's just something about it that doesn't hit me. And then there was the time when it woke me up after I fell asleep to Benighted. That really pissed me off, so now I hold a grudge against the song.


I'm choking here.... Moonlapse Vertigo is one of my favorite Opeth songs. I've never seen a person say they didn't like that song :eek:

My vote would go to Benighted - not a bad song but just too boring, I usually skip it.
Originally posted by Infinite Reach
My vote would go to Benighted - not a bad song but just too boring, I usually skip it.
You listen to an Opeth album and SKIP a song? How DARE you? BURN IN HELL!! :mad: :mad:
:D But I agree, Benighted is probably my least fav acoustic Opeth song. is to say. Everything they've done is amazing in it's own way, but I'd have to go with Circle of Tyrants. It's far better than the original, but it's not up to par with Opeth's songwriting. Of their original songs, I think my least favorite is Under The Weeping Moon. They had the right idea with the long mellow part in the middle, but I think that idea was better executed on the title track of Blackwater Park.
Originally posted by Sengir*Buendia
In Orchid they're too immature! I wouldn't consider any of orchid songs an opeth classic or must-have

the apostile in triumph is soooooo good.

listen to it again i cant believe u dont think this is good?
I don't understand how you can't like Benighted... argh... I don't get how it's boring... the notes are constantly changing, everytime I hear it I get a totally different experience... and Blackwater Park!!!! (the song)... that's my favourite metal song of all time!
The Apostle in Triumph (the acoustic start is good, but it's really not the same song)
Under the Weeping Moon

those are the ones that I wouldn't mourn eternally if they were lost in the void...
No one has said Karma yet... not that it is my least favorite, especially after the awesome Demon of the Fall. I just think it is way too long, and the acoustic section, while nice, doesn't really fit in with the rest of the song. White Cluster would probably be another least favorite. Btw... I love all of Orchid, 2nd fav Opeth CD.