listen to my crackling voice, it's been secluded for too long, chewing black settle, trifled with your thoughts, i belong to this endless sorry lullaby, homeless, homesick and handcuffed, i'm praying for a way to get by with my frozen nose for it's stuffed, a glance at your conscious as it fades out, walks out on me while mine keeps lurking in the shade of yawns you set free, to you i sing a sorry lullaby, apologies and regrets, i ask again - are you still nearby? you said 'she deserves what she gets', forgive me, i feel contemptuous towards you and myself, i can't take the bare truth as i am casting you adrift, unique opportunities ruined by my logic you broke, im confused but it's too late, mental block killed my true bloke, and on i sing my sorry lullaby, i sowed the seeds of this harvest, asleep you are, you'll never know why i've never been fucking honest, sleep tight, listen to my sorry lullaby, you were right, you won't notice i cry