Your opinion on bands that 'reunite'

What I've read so far shows reunions for

1) Fans
2) Money
3) Charity

What about creativity? There are certain bands who solely live to write music that they enjoy and just happen to sell a shitload of records because many people agree with their likes. Iron Maiden is one of those.

I don't know how many of you are in bands, or have watched band dynamics...especially songwriting. But. There are certain bands with sole songwriters, and others where it's more evenly spread out between songs on an album between different writers and others where the same crew do all the writing together on every track.

If band "A" were in the last scenario I described, and lost one of their key writing members I could see them getting together because they realize that they are simply just pieces of a greater puzzle. They know they can't alone write what the combination of three of them did together. The sum is greater than the pieces kinda thing. And back to money, maybe they just want to reunite so they can further their "art" in the best way they know how...together. If it sells well, it's bonus. If it doesn't, oh well, they're still trying to acheive their goal of writing the best records possible.

I think there is a misconception here that even underground bands are money driven. Yeah, some careers do take off, but for example the In Flames guys still work part time jobs often in between tours. And there is a misunderstanding about how much money even the big boys make. Granted, you have enough albums of strong caliber and even mediocre sales, yeah back catalog sales eventually add up...but there was a point when Bruce said that during his solo career (before joining Maiden again) that he had to keep working, he couldn't afford not to. Like someone was his job. Luckily as a result of his job we get fucking awesome records and he didn't "sell out", but he's got a family just like some of you do. And I bet when the offer came around to join Maiden he realized that the SUM of his contributions, Steve's, Adrian's, Janick's and Dave's to the songwriting team could approach the ARTISTIC satisfaction of what they did in their artistic prime. Again, they're just lucky that millions of folks happen to like what they do. And to those who say, "well, his solo albums blew away the Maiden albums without him...why does he need the other members of Maiden to write incredible music?"....I'll agree only partially. Yes, Accident of Birth and Chemical Wedding blew away X-Factor and Virtual XI, but don't kid yourselves. Bruce didn't write that music. Roy Z did, Bruce only came up with lyrics/melodies for it. A different group with the same chemistry of no one individual member being able to create the grandiose final product.

From Maiden's side, Steve Harris and co. could have retired when Bruce left and not had to work another day. But I bet they too missed the chemistry and artistic satisfaction of their collaborations with Bruce's writing and performance. They missed the FUN of having Bruce in there. Is there anything wrong with re-uniting because you ENJOY performing, regardless of commercial sales?

I could see bands getting together thinking "Man, we had something special back in the day, and I don't think our creativity was yet peaked." And of course none on their own could do it. So they reunite. Big deal, it ain't about the money, it's about creating.
When it comes to reunions I´m usually skeptical about them when the band reunites to make another album. It usually never stands up to their past material.

However, I do like them a lot when it comes to seeing these bands that I missed when I was younger.
I can't see how metal acts re-unite for the money. It's returned underground for the most part (at least the music I'm most interested in where there are some reunited acts). There isn't a whole lot of money in metal these days. Most bands have day jobs, play gigs on weekends.

I would think that it's just about the love of the metal, the music, nothing much else. I could be way off here, but seeing the turnouts I can't imagine it being much more than loyalty to metal.
Well, it looks like prayers have been answered for some. Faust has joined Dissection as the drummer when Jon gets out of prison. Maybe not a reunion, but a rebirth. I personally can't wait.