Bands that deserve more credit than they get

Ultra Beatdown. Shit was so ultra.

Edit: Actually, Metallica deserve more credit for Load/Reload, pre-TJR In Flames is sadly overlooked, the first two DF albums were damn good, and...actually, Lamb of God are pretty shit tbh.
The overrated will always be overrated and the underrated will always be underrated.
It's much easier to call the overrated bands IMO. People will always consider a lot of music underrated just due to niche individual taste, but pointing out wildly popular bands that don't deserve to be there is significantly easier IMO.
Six Feet Under
Whitechapel (and basically every deathcore band)
Suicide Silence
Bullet for My Valentine
Avenged Sevenfold
Cannibal Corpse
In Flames (since 2003)

Overall, most popular metal bands do not deserve the popularity they get, while the really good bands mostly get passed over.

Dragonforce are the most creative and innovative metal band in the history of music, with BRILLIANT songwriting and not an unnecessary note in sight.
Opeth. *ducks*

Seriously though, it is almost unheard of for bands to exist for 20 or more years, and write 9 albums without having made a bad album, or something that is so run of the mill that no one gives a shit about. Opeth has never done this.