Most overhyped/worshipped band that you hate.

I think Agalloch's The White EP is way overrated. It verges on bad.

Most of Agalloch's discography now consists of limited edition collectible trinkets that aren't worth the outrageous prices they go for. The white EP is not that good.

I'm a huge, huge fan of Pale Folklore though- one of my favorite albums. Ever.
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I'll actually agree with the anthrax suggestion. constantly being lauded as one of the best thrash bands ever has always confused me

Agreed. They have no place in the big four.

Never understood this, having Anthrax as one of the big four is disgusting. Terrible taste joke.

I'm not quite sure why I don't like Arghoslent. They're just really boring to me, and death metal bands aren't supposed to be boring.

That's sad. Have you really tried listening to Galloping... or Hornets? Their albums sound pretty fun to me, great really. Not trying to say you should love them or something, but I consider them one of the finest DM bands around.
Most of Agalloch's discography now consists of limited edition collectible trinkets that aren't worth the outrageous prices they go for. The white EP is not that good.

I'm a huge, huge fan of Pale Folklore though- one of my favorite albums. Ever.

Pale Folklore is also my favorite.
Arghoslent sound like a typical melo-death band that lack the 'death metal' aspect. That's generally the problem that a lot of bands have who fuse together melody into death metal. They're not bad just not my thing. I do like melody but when it comes to more extreme metal aggression,heaviness, and enthusiasm is important. Anyone is free too think/dislike/hate/whoever they want. If someone wants to express views should be backed by 'freedom of speech'. They're using music as expression and are not out beating up black people or calling them my pals as far as I know. I think if anything aslong as musicians or fans keep themselves out of trouble with music fitting how they feel at a moment is positive regardless subject matter or anything. No one is forcing anyone to be subjected to anything.
As a lover of most things brutal death metal, I've never liked Hour of Penance at all.

No? Someone on here described them as Nile, sans the Egyptian vibe. I thought it to be a fairly accurate description and ended up enjoying them as I enjoy some Nile tracks.