Your opinions about what guitar I should buy

Nov 5, 2006
Hello lads. I have finally come to the conclusion that, the next three months is the best chance for me to start playing the guitar.

Your help here will be vital as i don't know much about the different brands and sounds.

First of all, I want to buy a guitar which has the death metal sound. This might sound funny but i don't know if there is a particular type of guitar which has the death metal sound. I really want to start playing the opeth, tool, six feet under riffs and thats all i care about at the minute. Now, bearing that in mind, what type/model/brand should i go for. I'm planning to biuy 1 from ebay and all i know so far is that the gibson guitars are pretty sound!? my budget is £180 max (about $350). Your ideas and suggestions will be very much appreciated. Cheers for the time.
Honestly, I think its best to learn how to play on an acoustic guitar, rather than an electric. You won't be able to play much death metal on it, but it will really help you in the long run.
never buy a guitar online, buy from guitar center because they have 30 day returns in case you end up not liking the guitar (plus you can play it before you buy)

you can never go wrong with a regular fender strat. i own a schecter omen-6 and it plays very nice with a good set up.
If you are just starting out playing guitar then it probably doesn't matter so much what particular model you get to begin with, go for something affordable and upgrade when you improve. You won't notice the difference in a pricey guitar if you have no playing experience. I personally started off on a cheap Washburn. It was good to learn on but I don't think I could stand to play it now.

Gibsons I personally hate, they're for rhythm playing and slower stuff really, not a death metal guitar. They weigh a fucking ton and I do a lot of whammy-bar stuff, which they don't have. Maybe that's just the Les Pauls, and looking at your budget you can't afford one of them anyway. Your price range is probably about right for a first guitar. I'd say go to a guitar shop, ask for their advice, rather than ebay (we should really give the real stores more support anyway), and avoid Fender Squires.
What type of guitar you buy doesn't really have all that much influence on whether it'll have a death metal sound or not (certainly not at that budget), that'll be determined by your choice of amp and the elements between your guitar and your amp. If I were you I'd go for a Yamaha pacifica (cost me about 200 euro), that's what I did, and I still love that guitar, I even prefer it over my 800+ euro Jackson Warrior at times. About the best price/quality you can get, ideal to begin playing and still great after 4 years of playing for me.
Reading reviews is the first thing you should do really:
As for trying it out first, I don't know how much use that would be if you can't play yet. Personally I'd rely on reviews from people who can play and have experience over basing your choice on trying out guitars yourself when you don't really know how to judge its quality or even play it.
Hello lads. I have finally come to the conclusion that, the next three months is the best chance for me to start playing the guitar.

Your help here will be vital as i don't know much about the different brands and sounds.

First of all, I want to buy a guitar which has the death metal sound. This might sound funny but i don't know if there is a particular type of guitar which has the death metal sound. I really want to start playing the opeth, tool, six feet under riffs and thats all i care about at the minute. Now, bearing that in mind, what type/model/brand should i go for. I'm planning to biuy 1 from ebay and all i know so far is that the gibson guitars are pretty sound!? my budget is £180 max (about $350). Your ideas and suggestions will be very much appreciated. Cheers for the time.

I would go with the yamaha pacifica, its a versitile well made guitar and will make a good backup when you eventually upgrade and start giging. I would suggest a line 6 pod x3 or x3 live to provide the amp sounds whilst you learn to play. It would be also a good idea to go to a local music shop to try several guitars and maybe an accoustic to see what you like the feel and sound of. The yamaha is a very good starting point though :headbang:
For a decent cheaper guitar, I've always liked Ibanez. They feel pretty nice, look and sound good. Really the main thing on the guitar that will help you get a death metal sound is the pickups. Make sure you get at least one decent humbucker. Other than that, like other people said, your amp is most important in determining your sound. I recommend the Line 6 Spider series, they're cheap and you can get a lot of tones from them including metal/death metal.
For a decent cheaper guitar, I've always liked Ibanez. They feel pretty nice, look and sound good. Really the main thing on the guitar that will help you get a death metal sound is the pickups. Make sure you get at least one decent humbucker. Other than that, like other people said, your amp is most important in determining your sound. I recommend the Line 6 Spider series, they're cheap and you can get a lot of tones from them including metal/death metal.

agreed. i own an ibanez and plan on buying another soon. reliable, cheap, great sounding.

