your real names?

Originally posted by Lina
Elizabeth. Being of Norwegian descent, nearly every female in my family is named Lina, so it's been a nickname, and handle.

Seriously? Damn, here I was trying to be a smart-ass, assuming your name really was Lina, and now you come out with that.

Damn it........:mad: :lol:
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Seriously? Damn, here I was trying to be a smart-ass, assuming your name really was Lina, and now you come out with that.

Damn it........:mad: :lol:
just when you thought you knew me! sorry to disappoint. :lol:
Hoser Hellspawn.

"Hellspawn" derives from the latin root "Helspa", evolved from a long line of pathetic chess players. My relatives reside mostly in obscure parts of Gibraltar, with a few in Luxembourg.

"Hoser" is a distictly Canadian first name, derived from the popular late 70's/early 80's sketch comedy SCTV and it's Bob & Doug McKenzie characters.

...or, alternatively, Kevin Lanthier.

Kevin is Irish, it means "handsome", and Lanthier is obviously french in origin, from Normandy, specifically. Although, my branch of the family has been Canadian for over 300 years.
My handle 'Trapped' comes from Chuck Schuldiner's band Death, the song 'Trapped in a corner' has a very profound effect on me, in fact, death in general has a profound effect on me.

My name branches directly from Irish decendancy...

My first name 'Kegan' is 100% irish, and it's a pain in the ass, because people always spell it wrong. I should be simply known as 'that guy with the un-spell-able name'... Kegan means 'little firey one'...

My last name 'Dwyer' comes from my irish decendants, the O'Dwyers... and i'm just too lazy to put the 'o' at the front...

My name's Dean Passaris.. Dean I don't know where that came from and Passaris is Greek..
But I go by Sven Ichebod because I like the name Sven.
Also Rahnubis Anael, as my vampire name. *unleashes hypnotic glare and gothic sex appeal upon the world*

If the second letter is coming out at ; or something, it is really an o with a slash through it. I won't even try to tell you how it's pronounced :)