your real names?

The first part of the surname is hard to put so that you non Scandinavians can understand it as well. It's kind of a drawn out A with a hint of o in there. I have no clue how to put it in writing :)

the closest thing in english to pronouncing the A with the circle over it would be "oh." so, "oh-ker-felt"

BlackSpirit, apparently you and I should exchange screen names. :loco:
name's Massimiliano, and I don't like it very much, moreover since its length, it's always cut down to Massi... I see I'm not the only italian out there (ciao Teo!)...
My handle is taken from The Lord Of The Rings, but I hope everyone knows it...
Originally posted by ntombed99

damn it now i have to leave
its never a good thing to have two jays

foiled again

I think it will be ok.....but just in case...we could alternate days.How about i will take Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur,Fri,Sat, and Sun. and you can have the other ones;)
1 of 2 Jay
In case it's really crucial to the wealth of the Third World, my "real" name is Andrew Orel, where "Orel" stands for "Eagle" in Ukrainian. "D Mullholand" is one of the results of a short period when I was busy inventing dozens of pseudonyms for myself. I like the way it sound, and I would like to note that every letter is important and intentional, and there are no misspells in it.

Now the real question for the board-psychologists is : am I obsessed with my self to the point of crossing the line into Lyotardism ?

Bernard H. Modt
Wow, cool thread...I could probably only pronouce maybe 10% of the names there, but still very cool. ;)

I think I've signed my name before, so some may know.
It's Jeanine, anyhow.

Hey, how come no one picked up on or even turned a squinting eye towards this remark?

My real name is Mikael A. -rustymetal Someone ought to lay you out over their knee and give you an ass whooping, boy! You don't play like that! :p Anyways...what's the harm in a first name? That's funny if it is that though. I mean, I don't doubt that someone has the same first name and a last name that starts with an "A"...just funny that it was let go.

Where's Anders been lately?
Sadistik's true identity unveiled....*gasps*...the crowd shudders with anticipation....*more gasping*...........JEFF PETERS!!!!!!!!!The famous my dreams of course, but an average mild-mannered college student in most respects.