Your thoughts about S X albums


Sep 4, 2002
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I'd like to know what do you think of each S X studio album. If you're not interested in this thread or you want to tell some childish regrets about other's opinion, please do not reply.

This is how I find...

Symphony X -
This album got potential, but quite awful sounds and terrible singer makes the album boring. This album needs re-recording or at least remastering with new vocals sung by Allen.

The Damnation Game -
What should I say... the Edge of Forever is one of my all time favourites, a real masterpiece. But this album got some really boring songs like Savage Curtain or the first two tracks. Whispers is a beautiful song with awesome guitar solo. A winter's dream (both parts) is nice. This album got also quite bad sounds. I believe Insideout will someday release a remastered version (with bonus tracks :) ).

The Divine Wings of Tragedy -
I find this the best release from S X (haven't heard a single track from the Odyssey yet). Every track, except the title track, kicks ass. The title track has some excellent moments, like that part when Russell's vocals first come in, but the instrumental parts are quite boring and Romeo's solo sound is too sharp for my taste. And the intro is terrible! The accolade is fantastic, until the solos come in. Those solos doesn't suite to the song so well. And Russell sings beside the note when the "across the seas..." part second time comes in. That makes me wonder why they didn't record a better vocal track to that section. That disturbs me. And that aaa-aaaa part is so horrible, I usually skip that part when listening to the song. In other songs Russell sings much better, especially in Candlelight Fantasia.

Twilight in Olympus -
The most progressive release from the band. Church of the Machine and Trough the Looking Glass are my favourite tracks. This album doesn't have any weak tracks, but the sixth track is a bit boring, though it's not bad.

V -
I don't have much to say about V, I just don't like it.

Live on the Edge of Forever -
What's the point of this release? Why should I listen to this, when the studio albums got better versions of each song. Live CDs are used to be useless, they can't bring the atmosphere of live concerts. Live video would had been much more interesting.

I won't download a single track from the Odyssey. I can spare my listening experiences until I got the album. I believe it would be much better than V.
Alll I have to say is that you're a total fucking moron dude. V is by far the most progressive release...... no songs on Twilight in Olympus are near as progressive as Death of Balance or Rediscovery part 2. Although I do agree that Divine Wings of Tragedy is the best, someone still needs to beat you with a stick.
Originally posted by BastrdDrmr
Alll I have to say is that you're a total fucking moron dude. V is by far the most progressive release...... no songs on Twilight in Olympus are near as progressive as Death of Balance or Rediscovery part 2. Although I do agree that Divine Wings of Tragedy is the best, someone still needs to beat you with a stick.

:rolleyes: hey dude have you ever heard of respect? what are those insults for?

btw there's no real definition for the term progressive, don't be talking around here like if you were a musical guru or something:rolleyes:

progressive and technical are two very different things:rolleyes:
Originally posted by blackstaRR
Live on the Edge of Forever -
What's the point of this release? Why should I listen to this, when the studio albums got better versions of each song. Live CDs are used to be useless, they can't bring the atmosphere of live concerts. Live video would had been much more interesting.

Hmmm. You HAVE listend to the live album, right? My friends agree with me that the live CD set was quite good. Some songs are even better since the band has gotten so much better. For example: Church of the Machine, Through the Looking Glass.

Yes, a live DVD would be great, but the live CD set is great.
Hmmm. You HAVE listend to the live album, right? My friends agree with me that the live CD set was quite good. Some songs are even better since the band has gotten so much better. For example: Church of the Machine, Through the Looking Glass.

Damn, I was all set to write a similar reply and then I got to your post. Oh well... DITTO!!! :D
Originally posted by RequiemX
Hmmm. You HAVE listend to the live album, right? My friends agree with me that the live CD set was quite good. Some songs are even better since the band has gotten so much better. For example: Church of the Machine, Through the Looking Glass.

Yes, a live DVD would be great, but the live CD set is great.

I think the live versions of "Fallen", "Candlelight Fantasia" and "Divine Wings" are superior as well.
Originally posted by blackstaRR
I'd like to know what do you think of each S X studio album. If you're not interested in this thread or you want to tell some childish regrets about other's opinion, please do not reply.

This is how I find...

Symphony X -
This album got potential, but quite awful sounds and terrible singer makes the album boring. This album needs re-recording or at least remastering with new vocals sung by Allen.

The Damnation Game -
What should I say... the Edge of Forever is one of my all time favourites, a real masterpiece. But this album got some really boring songs like Savage Curtain or the first two tracks. Whispers is a beautiful song with awesome guitar solo. A winter's dream (both parts) is nice. This album got also quite bad sounds. I believe Insideout will someday release a remastered version (with bonus tracks :) ).

The Divine Wings of Tragedy -
I find this the best release from S X (haven't heard a single track from the Odyssey yet). Every track, except the title track, kicks ass. The title track has some excellent moments, like that part when Russell's vocals first come in, but the instrumental parts are quite boring and Romeo's solo sound is too sharp for my taste. And the intro is terrible! The accolade is fantastic, until the solos come in. Those solos doesn't suite to the song so well. And Russell sings beside the note when the "across the seas..." part second time comes in. That makes me wonder why they didn't record a better vocal track to that section. That disturbs me. And that aaa-aaaa part is so horrible, I usually skip that part when listening to the song. In other songs Russell sings much better, especially in Candlelight Fantasia.

Twilight in Olympus -
The most progressive release from the band. Church of the Machine and Trough the Looking Glass are my favourite tracks. This album doesn't have any weak tracks, but the sixth track is a bit boring, though it's not bad.

V -
I don't have much to say about V, I just don't like it.

Live on the Edge of Forever -
What's the point of this release? Why should I listen to this, when the studio albums got better versions of each song. Live CDs are used to be useless, they can't bring the atmosphere of live concerts. Live video would had been much more interesting.


Friend, Do you call your self as a SymphonyX fan?

Boring song? what are you talking about?

TDWOT is the most progressive release of he band so far ok, and as far as i concern every SymphonyX album is a master piece, as i have said many times Kamelot, Adagio and Symphony are the greatest bands in this business.

About the live disc,mmm i dont understand your point of view, i mean, live songs are diferent so you need to analize them and listen to every song very well, i personally think TDWOT live version is much better than the studio one and Michael Pinella brings the atmosphere of studio.
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
:rolleyes: hey dude have you ever heard of respect? what are those insults for?

btw there's no real definition for the term progressive, don't be talking around here like if you were a musical guru or something:rolleyes:

progressive and technical are two very different things:rolleyes:
Originally posted by BastrdDrmr
Alll I have to say is that you're a total fucking moron dude. V is by far the most progressive release...... no songs on Twilight in Olympus are near as progressive as Death of Balance or Rediscovery part 2. Although I do agree that Divine Wings of Tragedy is the best, someone still needs to beat you with a stick.

No need to get's called personal opinion. You have a right to yours without being insulted for it, please allow others their same rights. :)
Well, my two favourite albums so far are TDWOT and V. They both have some excellent songs like Of Sins And Shadows, The Accolade, The Divine Wings of Tragedy, Evolution (The Grand Design), Fallen, Egypt... I like also like Twilight in Olympus (Smoke and Mirrors kicks ass!) and The Damnation Game but I think that something is missing from those albums, I have no idea what. But somehow I don't like them as much as I like TDWOT and V.

Now that I have heard two tracks from The Odyssey, I must say that my expectations are REALLY high!! Both, King of Terrors and Accolade II are truly killer pieces to say the least:eek:
Originally posted by icedsymphony
If their is no real definition for the term progressive, then how are technical and progressive to different things.

if you read well my sentence you would notice that I said there is no ''real'' definition, progressive can mean a lot of things not just technicality. If you have a band with a kickass guitar player playing arpeggios at blazing speeds or a drummer doing a lot of blast beats and tempo changes but the band doesn't change anything from album to album then they are not a progressive band no matter how technical they are. A band can be progressive on their lyrics, on their drumming, on whatever instrument you want to call but that's if they keep changing from time to time what they do on their music.

Also if you would notice most of the bands that are labeled prog or progressive don't have a specific sound or style. Symphony X and Dream Theater both labeled as prog metal bands don't have anything in common on their sound (the only thing in common is that both are metal bands) also Opeth sometimes is labeled as prog death metal and they don't have anything in common with Syx or Dream Theater neither they are amazingly Technical.

Ps. Prog is a very broad and vague term
What a strange take on symphony x for someone who obviously likes the band well enough to spend time on their web board.

Seems like everything the rest of us LOVE about SyX you think are their weak points. Hell I almost expected you to say they should've kept The first singer (HA!) Really, "DWOT (the song) is the worst part of the album?" HUH? "I just don't like V" HUH?

Russell is off on Accolade? HUH?

Live album is pointless? HUH?

Savage Curtain is bad? HUH? Yes, it's pretty straight forward, but those harmonies KICK ASS! as does the GUITAR SOLO!

I disagree with pretty mch EVERY point (except that The first singer had to go.)

Dude, I respect your right to an opinion...I'm just baffled...

Originally posted by Paul Villarreal
What a strange take on symphony x for someone who obviously likes the band well enough to spend time on their web board.

Seems like everything the rest of us LOVE about SyX you think are their weak points. Hell I almost expected you to say they should've kept The first singer (HA!) Really, "DWOT (the song) is the worst part of the album?" HUH? "I just don't like V" HUH?

Russell is off on Accolade? HUH?

Live album is pointless? HUH?

Savage Curtain is bad? HUH? Yes, it's pretty straight forward, but those harmonies KICK ASS! as does the GUITAR SOLO!

I disagree with pretty mch EVERY point (except that The first singer had to go.)

Dude, I respect your right to an opinion...I'm just baffled...


I'm just so damn Agree with you PAUL Excellent Reply ;)
Originally posted by NegrocK_SyX
I'm just so damn Agree with you PAUL Excellent Reply ;)

Thanks, but now I'm confused about another can you been in Italy and Venezuela? (ha!)

Love that Picture of the Sculpture of Odysseus. Is that from the Vatican Museum?

Paul (historian and lover of all things Italian)
Originally posted by BastrdDrmr
Alll I have to say is that you're a total fucking moron dude. V is by far the most progressive release...... no songs on Twilight in Olympus are near as progressive as Death of Balance or Rediscovery part 2. Although I do agree that Divine Wings of Tragedy is the best, someone still needs to beat you with a stick.

I asked you not to send any stupid childish complains. What's your real age, 13 or something (a joke)? Man, you can't seriously say that TiO is less progressive than V. V is definitely the least progressive S X release so far.