Your thoughts on Evergrey.

Empty Vision

The Accolade
Feb 15, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Evergrey will be coming to Australia in May for their first time and I'm pretty excited. I have all of their albums including the live album and DVD but I don't have Monday Morning Apocalypse, I have heard it though. I got into them when The Inner Circle was released I loved it so I got the ret of their disco, I have not listened to them in ages but this tour news has sparked my interest again and I've started listening to their disco.
i think they are an amazingly consistent band, all of their albums are very high quality and have very little filler, but at the moment I am enjoying The Dark Discovery, Solitude Dominace Tragedy and In Search Of Truth the most.

What do you think of this band?
I love Evergrey - recreation day is one of my fav albums at the moment - if they were playing a west coast date id be there in no time :(
little interest in them anymore. I got into them at In Search of Truth and saw them play in germany at wacken for that album (caught one of patrick's drumsticks too). Ever since that album, it's been a steady decline.
they are ok, but i cant really spend any time listening to them, while there is one or two songs i like on each album maybe, the rest i find just boring and monotonous.. if i lived near a major city i would still go see them just coz its 'evergrey' - but i wont spend the $500 to make the over-night trip to bris for it.
little interest in them anymore. I got into them at In Search of Truth and saw them play in germany at wacken for that album (caught one of patrick's drumsticks too). Ever since that album, it's been a steady decline.

Agreed. I've always thought they were quite overrated.
I like them, but MMA is NOT good at all.

I have ISOT and RD, both good CD's, although RD does seem to hint at a decline like someone else said above. Inner circle still has some good songs though such as touch of blessing, and essence of conviction (love that intro riff!).

They have a nice heavy chunky distortion sound and the keyboardist does a great job on ISOT