(your)top 10 videogames of all time


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
10.Mickey Mania (sega Genesis)
9.Resident Evil 4 (gamecube)
8.Final Fantasy 8 (playstation one)
7.Ducktales (nes)
6.Breath of Fire 3 (playstation one)
5.Grand Theft Auto 3 (playstation 2)
4.Resident Evil 2 (playstation one)
3.Robocop vs. Terminator (sega Genesis)
2.Super Mario Brothers 3 (Nes)
1.Metal Gear Solid (playstation one)

This is mine: I love collecting,and playing older games (from my childhood) late 80's,90's. I like the newer system,and games ok Resident Evil 5 or whatever,but those games never seem to have as much impact on me like the Sega,Playstation 1,or NES did.That is why most of my all times are from those systems, of course now I have a lot of different systems,but I still go back to the old ones(Master System,SNES,Saturn) Anyway what do you think are the top 10 greatest games of your life all time.
Not sure I can name 10, but I'll give it a shot. No order, just how they pop into my head:

Madden 2005 (Still playing this, year 22 or so)
NHL 96 (I beleive this is the one I played the most)
Blades Of Steel
Super Tecmo Bowl
Legend Of Zelda
Global Conquest
FIFA World Cup 98

These are just the games I remember playing the most.
Lunar Lander
Space War
Asteroids Deluxe
Space Tactics
Colony 7
Starbase Hyperion (for Atari 800)
Necromancer (for Atari 800)
Command and Conquer/Red Alert/Aftermath

(I'm kinda old-school, thanks. :))

* top-ranked player
10.Mickey Mania (sega Genesis)
9.Resident Evil 4 (gamecube)
8.Final Fantasy 8 (playstation one)
7.Ducktales (nes)
6.Breath of Fire 3 (playstation one)
5.Grand Theft Auto 3 (playstation 2)
4.Resident Evil 2 (playstation one)
3.Robocop vs. Terminator (sega Genesis)
2.Super Mario Brothers 3 (Nes)
1.Metal Gear Solid (playstation one)

This is mine: I love collecting,and playing older games (from my childhood) late 80's,90's. I like the newer system,and games ok Resident Evil 5 or whatever,but those games never seem to have as much impact on me like the Sega,Playstation 1,or NES did.That is why most of my all times are from those systems, of course now I have a lot of different systems,but I still go back to the old ones(Master System,SNES,Saturn) Anyway what do you think are the top 10 greatest games of your life all time.

WTF? BOF 3?? Wow, fuckin' cool! Another retro BOF fan!!!:kickass:
I've totally LOVED every BOF game since the very first on the SNES!!
Btw, have you played BOF 4? Great game as well!
Oh & I'm totally w/ you on the old school! I love the retro systems too bro!!
That's also why it's so hard for me to name just my top ten games too,
since I currently own & play 8 different systems! Old NES, An SNES, Sega Genesis, An N64, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, PS2 & an GBA SP!:kickass:
1. Doom 2
2. Tetris
3. Contra
4. Paperboy
5. Duck Hunt
6. Quiz & Dragon
7. Raiden Fighters 2
8. Double-Dragon 2
9. Descent 2
10. Chakan: The Forever Man

I'm a big fan of sequels :) I have never owned a console newer than N64, and the last PC game I bought was Quake. (the first one)
I'll just assume Arcade Games/PC games count, since they're video games.

1. Mega Man 3: NES
2. Legend of Zelda: NES
3. Grandia 3: PS2
4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade
5. Dragon Age: Origins: PC
6. Mortal Kombat 2: Arcade
7. God of War: PS2
8. X-Men: Arcade
9. Red Alert 2: PC
10. Super Mario Brothers 3: NES
Lunar Lander
Space War
Asteroids Deluxe
Space Tactics
Colony 7
Starbase Hyperion (for Atari 800)
Necromancer (for Atari 800)
Command and Conquer/Red Alert/Aftermath

I will not admit that I've heard of and played almost all of those (at least the big arcade versions if not console versions).

1. Oblivion: Elder Scrolls IV (ps3)
2. Final Fantasy X (ps2)
3. Diablo II (pc)
4. Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (n64)
5. World of Warcraft (pc)
6. Final Fantasy XII (ps2)
7. Fallout 3 (ps3)
8. Gauntlet Legends (n64)
9. Rome: Total War (pc)
10. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (ps3)

putting them 1-10 was the hardest part.
You are so fucking old.

Eh, what, sonny? Speak louder! :lol:

Also, thanks for the memories of when I was 3. I fucking HATED that game, and played it all the time.

It was hard as shit. I eventually got the hang of it -- somewhat -- but I recall smashing dozens of hapless LEMs on the pitiless, raster-graphics lunar surface. :)

I will not admit that I've heard of and played almost all of those (at least the big arcade versions if not console versions).

I was referring mostly to the big arcade versions, although I recently acquired an original Atari 2600 just for grins. (I've never actually owned one before.)

Oh, I should add the first Wizardry game, for Apple, to my list. I spent many hours playing that at the old 2001 arcade at the Galleria Mall here in Atlanta, on Apple ][E's that you had to rent by the hour. The good ol' days....
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire
Gabriel Knight II
King's Quest VI
Space Quest IV
Tomb Raider
Resident Evil (the original PS2 version, not the freaky remake)
Donkey Kong Country
Max Payne
World of Warcraft
Putting these in order of preference is tough because they are so different, and the different eras/technologies, and trying to ignore the nostalgia factor. So here's a rough stab. The second number is their rough ranking in terms of hours spent playing each one (and I spend a lot of time playing WoW).

1-2 Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (PC)
2-1 Grand Prix Legends (PC)
3-7 NetHack (PC)
4-5 Air Warrior (PC)
5-4 Aces High (PC)
6-8 Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (PC)
7-9 Robotron: 2084 (arcade)
8-10 Joust (arcade)
9-6 Need for Speed: High Stakes (PC)
10-3 World of Warcraft (PC)

Honorable mention would have to go to Red Alert 2 and Zelda though.
I can't think of 10 favorites right now, but a few that come to mind are ... Exodus: Ultima 3, Mat Mania, Satan's Hollow, Impossible Mission, and Castle Wolfenstein. Each of those are about 25 years or older.

I've been playing video games pretty much my whole life (with the exception of the late 90s/early 00s when I couldn't afford it). That being said, my favorite video games are almost exclusively newer ones -- the ones I enjoy are better in virtually every respect than the games I used to play as a kid.

I don't know if I could properly quantify a Top Ten list, but here are some of my favorite games ever:

Beyond Good and Evil (my all-time favorite game)
Prince of Persia (original)
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Tomb Raider (original)
The Longest Journey (best adventure game ever! Jaime, if you have not played this, I would strongly recommend it for the dialogue alone)
The Witcher Enhanced Edition
Titan Quest w/Immortal Throne expansion pack (best Diablo II clone, including Diablo II)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Bionic Commando (NES version)
Paratrooper (the old DOS game where you control an anti-aircraft cannon and you have to prevent paratroopers from landing and taking over your cannon)
1. Maniac Mansion- PC-DOS
2. Dungeon Keeper- PC CD
3. Diablo 2- PC CD
4. TNK 3- Arcade
5. Diablo- PC CD
6. Raiden- Arcade
7. The Legend Of Zelda- A Link To The Past- SNES
8. Black Tiger- Arcade
9. Lost Vikings- PC CD
10. Theme Hospital- PC CD

Honorable Mention:

Prince Of Persia 1&2
Day Of The Tentacle: Maniac Mansion 2- PC CD
Zak McKracken And The Alien Mindbenders- PC-DOS
1. Xenogears (PS1)
2. Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
3. Fifa (08/09/10) (360)
4. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
5. Silent Hill 2 (360)
6. Super Mario World (SNES)
7. Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
8. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360)
9. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (360)
10. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
1. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
2. Final Fantasy 3 (SNES) or VI in japan! lol
3. Legend Of Zelda 3: A Link To The Past (SNES)
4. Final Fantasy 7 (PS1)
5. Street Fighter (The arcade one) (A no brainer!)
6. Mortal Kombat (arcade)
7. Resident Evil (PS1)
8. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
9. Castlevania-Symphony Of The Night (PS1)
10. Ratchet & Clank ( on all the Sony systems! This game truly ROCKS!) :kickass:

These are just some of my all time faves! It's still very hard for me to decide which are the best!
I do have a shitload more btw! :lol:
Yikes. Too many platforms to think about. Off the top of my head... Just thinking about actual arcade games could make a list in itself....

1) Half Life 1 & 2 (PC)
2) Trackmania (PC)
3) Rescue Raiders (Apple II)
4) Castle Wolfenstein (Apple II)
5) Star Fleet I: The War Begins (Apple II)
6) Computer Ambush (Apple II)
7) GT3 (PS2)
8) Ultima 3 (Apple II)
9) Tempest (arcade)

I have to cheat a little on the last....

10Infocom games (Apple II) Yeah, there were a bunch of them, but there were some awesome ones.