Your Top 2009 releases so far...

I personally find Katatonia's lyrics to be brilliant.
I can easily visualize all their lyrics, which I think is a good thing.

I love Katatonia, and I like their lyrics, but I'm kind of a straight forward guy for lyrics. I don't try to look for much meaning in the lyrics, so lyrics that make sense right away are more meaningful to me.

Most of the time I could give two shits less what a band is talking about in their lyrics as long as their music rocks.

Look at stuff that Mike Patton does. I've read that he writes his music to how the music feels. I love that.
I'm with you on the whole thought of caring less about lyrics as long as the music is at least really rockin'. I've enjoyed plenty of bands whose lyrics I didn't care about much.

As for the "shock value" thing, that's kinda the point though I'm trying to make- it's just not even shocking anymore! Back in the days of "Scream Bloody Gore" and "Eaten Back To Life" and the first Deicide album, those lyrics were pretty shocking and unique, even though they were still rather silly. Now it's just gotten to the point where it's so overdone, the novelty wears off really fast. I dunno, I guess my point is that there are so many different things to think about and experience in the world, there's gotta be more subject matter than that to explore lyrically for these bands. But I think the narrow-minded and somewhat juvenile mentality of alot of metal fans will always keep things more on that typical path because they're just not open to much else.

Whatever, at the end of the day it doesn't affect ND at all, because Paul will always write about what he wants and things that mean something to him, and that's good enough for me for sure.
I always laugh at the "Satanic" bands, who slam Christianity, and it's followers, yet they sing praise to Satan, which was created by the religion to scare people into faith. Maybe THAT should be my next lyrical topic.

You mean HYPOCRISY??? Man, you could write a whole SERIES of albums based on hypocrisy, not just in metal but in every corner of existence...

But I digress. Your lyrics are personal, heartfelt and other words - PERFECT! :worship:
I always laugh at the "Satanic" bands, who slam Christianity, and it's followers, yet they sing praise to Satan, which was created by the religion to scare people into faith. Maybe THAT should be my next lyrical topic.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find it hilarious how all these Satanist unit to take a stand against organized religion, yet they want you to conform to THEIR beliefs.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I love that band DARK FUNERAL who has an album, "Teach Children to Worship Satan" How about Teach Children to think for themselves!
I understand it is partially tongue and cheek, but still..........
Hey, don't get me wrong, Satan is a scary topic, and no one has done it better then Slayer, who never took them selves too seriously. It's all about telling stories. Some band take themselves and their lyrical content to an extreme. Hell, even on the opposite side, like Stryper. This is why I never got into that style of writing. Even the gore topics. How many of these guys have actually disemboweled a body? Take a local band like Disinter. All their lyrics are horror fantasy based, mostly from horror movies. That was always cool to me. Even a band like Macabre tells stories of truth. Bands like Cannibal Corpse, I just could never get into the grotesque for the sake of grotesque, with no story involved. I like a personal touch to lyrics. But, that's just me!
Hey, don't get me wrong, Satan is a scary topic, and no one has done it better then Slayer, who never took them selves too seriously. It's all about telling stories. Some band take themselves and their lyrical content to an extreme. Hell, even on the opposite side, like Stryper. This is why I never got into that style of writing. Even the gore topics. How many of these guys have actually disemboweled a body? Take a local band like Disinter. All their lyrics are horror fantasy based, mostly from horror movies. That was always cool to me. Even a band like Macabre tells stories of truth. Bands like Cannibal Corpse, I just could never get into the grotesque for the sake of grotesque, with no story involved. I like a personal touch to lyrics. But, that's just me!

ya, slayer are kings when it comes to satan lyrics. But that was 80's early 90's. Now its just one of many clechie lyricle themes.

there are also some bands that manege to merge gory themes with some really poetic lyrics. Check out some of the lyrics off Goremagedin, by Aborted. Its kind of amazing.
I need to get better about checking these boards more often... :(
sorry I'm late to the party but I'll try to catch up.
Watershed is in my bottom 3 Opeth Albums, but I still give it a 8/10 and I find myself listening to at least one track off of it a week.
Katatonia's lyrics for me are hit or miss. I really enjoy the lyrics for such songs as Dispossession, Complicity and Increase; however, lyrics for Ghosts of the Sun and Teargas almost make me question Jonas' brilliance.
I find that my favorite lyrics are more poetic than straight forward, and that any cheese is bad, lame lyrics about satan and gore are just as bad as stupid lyrics about a broken heart or Wizards/Dragons.
Goremageddon is fantastic, but I never find myself getting into the lyrics.
And I agree with Paul, I love lyrics that have a concept behind them or a personal touch. If you're going to sing about religion or Lucifer find a good way to go about it. I love some of Draconian's lyrics that are inspired by "Paradise Lost" the poem, not the band ;)
theres clearly no need to argue whether god is or isnt real, i think some importance of religion is that gives people hope and perhaps a sense of purpose. Some people take it too far, but equally i feel that the people that take their religion too far are people that would cling on to something else and act like they do in a similar way.
Im not convinced religion is a bad thing generally, whichever one it is, people think they need it in their lives. and thats cool.

even though i think its load of shit.
I by no means follow a religion, I think of the bible, Paradise Lost, and the Divine Comedy as wonderful works of fiction.
its the same reason I think the mythological stories of Odin, Mars, and Achilles are interesting.

Wolves in the Throne Room, just want to be redundant and bring up again how much I enjoy the 09 release
And I get to see them in exactly 1 week from today :)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I find it hilarious how all these Satanist unit to take a stand against organized religion, yet they want you to conform to THEIR beliefs.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I love that band DARK FUNERAL who has an album, "Teach Children to Worship Satan" How about Teach Children to think for themselves!
I understand it is partially tongue and cheek, but still..........

My friend thinks that is hilarious

Everytime he sees a little kid, he looks at me and says "Teach Children to Worship Satan"


Anyways, I'm a christian but I could care less about lyrics. Sometimes they are cool/relate to me but 99% of the time, it's about the music. I can listen to Satanic Warmaster and it doesn't really matter to me honestly.
"Watershed"......oi vey, we won't get into that debate again LOL I wonder how this album is faring now for the Opeth fans around here? I haven't really listened to it lately, on the occasions when I've felt like listening to Opeth, that's just not a disc I feel compelled to listen to.

Beats Deliverance, Ghost Reveries, and Orchid, but that's about it. I was surprised by it though, because I kind of lost my affinity for the band after the releases of Deliverance and Ghost Reveries.