Your top 3 tv series of all time

Gotta add Game of Thrones now.... What a fucking EPIC show. I'm usually not to keen on "medieval" type of movies (unless REALLY well done) so this is saying something... one of the best shows I have ever seen. Season 1 just ended so quick though :(
I could watch a lot of series (The Simpsons, South Park, Spartacus, Sopranos, X-Files, Game of Thrones, Poirot etc.), but I can't name just 3, because Only Fools and Horses are so much well done. So creative, well thought out, so natural, so hilariously funny, so un-boring every fucking time I watch it, even though I know what exactly is gonna happen every fucking scene.

So, for me it's more like something along the lines of

01. OFAH
~100. the shows I already typed out
The Wire - Cop show, brilliantly written and acted. Also has Tom Waits singing a song as the theme tune for one series.
Twin Peaks - Fucked up. Mind bending. Cancelled too early.
Stargate SG-1 - Sci-fi cheeese! But I love it.
Married With Children

Tour Of Duty

Mr. Bean

V (the original)

... and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

Fuck I'm old :lol:
Fraiser - Soothing in really bad times
Cheers - The same
Cracker - Killer 80's series

Honorable mentions:

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
Dirty Sanchez
The Wire
Beavis and Butthead
Desmonds (tell me somebody else remembers this one)
Shooting stars
Oh man this is rough

The Wire
Friends (don't think I've ever gotten so drawn into a show over 10 series, I don't know how so many people just fob this off)

Honorable mentions
True Blood
The Simpsons