Your top bands in the following genres:


Nov 19, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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Out of curiousity, what is everyone's top choices (limit to 2 if possible) in each of the f ollowing metal genres: Extreme metal, Death, Power metal.
Here are mine: Extreme---Hypocrisy :yell:
Death----Malevolent Creation:heh:
Power----Brainstorm/Grave Digger:eek:
Actually, when I say EXTREME, it encompasses anything MUSICALLY extreme. To say Hypocrisy is Black/Death metal is narrowing it down WAY to much!! They play SOME songs about death, SOME sci-fi songs, SOME black anti-religious/satanic (black metal) songs, SOME softer songs. Hypocrisy tends to mix things up, so to call them strictly "death" or "black" metal is saying that that is the only kind of music they make. They are extreme both musically & subject manner-wise.
I've never heard of "extreme" metal, seems like a bit of a meaningless name

I always felt "atmospheric death" at least suited the unique style of theirs, other songs seem straight death metal, others black metal influenced, melodic death, etc., but it seems their signature sound you don't find anyone else matching up on is the atmospheric death :)
Wow, you've never heard that term used in metal before huh? Hell, even Morbid Angel has a shirt now that says "extreme music for extrme people." I guess we all have different ways of describing things regardless. Actually, now that I brought up their name, I always felt funny calling Morbid Angel a death metal band because they seem to make music more about dark, anti-religious, ghoulish type stuff as opposed to death type stuff. It can be confusing categorizing bands sometimes, now I know why there's some that just like to say everything metal sounding is simply metal!:p
ds336 said:
Wow, you've never heard that term used in metal before huh? Hell, even Morbid Angel has a shirt now that says "extreme music for extrme people." I guess we all have different ways of describing things regardless. Actually, now that I brought up their name, I always felt funny calling Morbid Angel a death metal band because they seem to make music more about dark, anti-religious, ghoulish type stuff as opposed to death type stuff. It can be confusing categorizing bands sometimes, now I know why there's some that just like to say everything metal sounding is simply metal!:p

meh, I dont think they make music about anything 'extreme' just like you think they don't about 'death type stuff'

I don't like to catagorize bands by lyrical content, there's more in 'style' and 'delivery' that makes for useful catagories
See ,that's the debate RIGHT THERE! People say it's the music, others say it's lyrics----but seriously, it's known for both! Look at Slayer, it took me many years to realize it but I used to call them a death metal band when truthfully their music and lyrics don't always encompass that! So I don't call them death metal, but I would say they were one of the bands that got death metal going. (Especially an influence for death metal bands that we know of today.) Without categorizing any band, would you agree that Hypocrisy is more on the "extreme" end of a musical spectrum? That would make it easier to describe the band's sound & yet ANYTHING they describe in their music.:cool:
Hypocrisy are melodic death. Sure you can say they are "extreme" if you are encompassing all of metal, but if you listen to metal, you can't do that. There are really three main "extreme" metal genres: extreme (or brutal) death, extreme doom, and extreme black. Some examples would be Brodequin (brutal death), Skepticism (extreme doom), and Kult ov Azazel (extreme black). And lyrics have nothing to do with how music is classifed, really the only genre that classifies music according to lyrics is Viking metal.
Melodic? In Flames is Melodic Death. Children of Bodom is, but Hypocrisy isn't.
Agreed, they have some melodic Songs, and they don't stick to the simple death style, like Cannibal Corpse do, but i call this Death Metal.
No you are wrong, In Flames and CoB suck, and you obviously don't know too much about Hypocrisy because after the fourth dimension, they are definatly melodic death. I really hate when people who just started getting into metal try to talk about things they know nothing about.
amonamarth10 said:
Skepticism (extreme doom), and Kult ov Azazel (extreme black). And lyrics have nothing to do with how music is classifed, really the only genre that classifies music according to lyrics is Viking metal.

I thought they were 'funeral doom'...

amonamarth10 said:
And lyrics have nothing to do with how music is classifed, really the only genre that classifies music according to lyrics is Viking metal.


Rotten Flesh said:
Melodic? In Flames is Melodic Death. Children of Bodom is, but Hypocrisy isn't.
Agreed, they have some melodic Songs, and they don't stick to the simple death style, like Cannibal Corpse do, but i call this Death Metal.

In flames, just suck now, but they used to be that 'gothenburg' brand of melodic death -- some of hypocrisys songs are very distinct as melodic death, though not the gothenburg style. and some of their songs are straight up raw 'death metal' -- no 'brutal death' (personally I define that mostly in the grunting vocal delivery) just death. but a lot of their unique 'that couldn't be mistaken as any other band' songs, e.g slippin away, living to die etc. really suit the label "atmospheric death' just to suggest it's more crafted and slow rather than straight up death or melo death which is often a really fast tempo
While I do agree with you that Hypocrisy is really in their own genre, I think they still need to be considered melodic death, because they can be compared to other melodic death bands like amon amarth, unmoored, and even wintersun. I hear traces of Hypocrisy in all these bands, and they're all considered melodic death. Of course there are many other "melodeath" bands that dont sound a thing like Hypocrisy and these are generally the "gothenberg" bands, such as In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, and Nightrage. Personally I dont consider the gothenberg style to be death metal at all, it all sounds like metalcore to me, particulary because of the vocals. People often think that just because a band is from Sweden that they are a "gothenberg" band but that is definatly not true. Also funeral doom is considered a subgenre of extreme doom.
hyopocrisy has no genre, it combines death, black and other kinds of metal, in a perfect way!(i dont even like it when bands are only one genre)
amonamarth10 said:
No you are wrong, In Flames and CoB suck, and you obviously don't know too much about Hypocrisy because after the fourth dimension, they are definatly melodic death. I really hate when people who just started getting into metal try to talk about things they know nothing about.

I should slap the shit out of you for saying that In Flames and CoB suck. There aren't many people that play guitar better than Alexi does, and very few people who can sing and play like he does.
Death - Bloodbath
Power - Dragonforce
Black - Satanic Slaughter (i think there black metal)
Heavy - Iron Maiden
Metal- core- unearth (kinda)
Hm. Very hard to choose one band per group.

Blackmetal: Void of Silence, Ragnarok
Deathmetal: Hypocrisy, Nile (Asphyx, Bolt Thrower, Edge of Sanity, Slumber....)
Powermetal: Iced Earth

Don't hit me, if i mixed up the genres, wise guys.