Your very *favourite* metal production?

As I Lay Dying - Shadows are security. Hate the music, love the overall balance and sounds!!

Biohazard - State Of The World Adress. Best drumsound EVER.

Deftones - White Pony. Awesome drum and guitarsound and nice overall balance.

Isis - Oceanic. Super organic! (Panopticon is a close second)

Sunn0)))/Boris - Altar. Best and heaviest sounding drone album next to Black one.
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone

yeah awesome sound on that one, their best album musically as well but good lord it's like a herd of elephants tumbling over you while sandpaper scrapes you from below.

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell

some good raw stuff from Grieghallen there. One sounds like they're playing from beyond death, the other like they're in the basement below you. Either ways I think they're awesome.

If non-Metal stuff could come into the picture, it would be Martin Hanett's work on "Unknown Pleasures" hands down...
off of the top of my head...

sepultura - chaos ad
tool - lateralus...not so metal, but sounds fucking amazing
deftones - white pony
neurosis - a sun that never sets
black dahlia murder - nocturnal...probably my fav. in terms of more "modern" metal production
Big fat edit:

Testament - First Strike Still Deadly

Reason: Guitars are soooo thick, bass tone is amazing and the drums sound massive.
Snare has so much snap.

....I duno why I'm doing this as I just edited this cus I ignored the finer details of the first post but my cheeky little runner up here - but it doesn't fully count!! :) is some of the stuff on the RR united album. I really love the guitar tone on 'Constitution Down'

fuck yes for First Strike. Every instrument is just lunging at you. Its probably the only album I can listen from beginning to the end without skipping tracks because everything sounds so good.
Hard to pick just one, but definitely up there for me would be Chimaira - Chimaira (Colin Richardson). The seperation and tonality of everything is just great. Huge sounding but still sounds like real instruments and players. :kickass: