Your views on Opeth

Originally posted by MadTinus

Aarrgghh, get the f*ck out of here you three (rahvin, ormir and salamurhaaja), just can't take this CRAP!!! :( :(

you're forgetting nicktheclayman, somberlain and mousewings. getting lonely in here, isn't it? :) good for you you've got all these overlong opeth song to keep you company for a very long time. :spin:

Originally posted by MadTinus

I won't, you like Opeth, so your taste can't be that bad...

I'd rather say his narrow-mindedness is disturbing...

Is it narrow-mindedness to not like the music you happen to like or not accept other people tastes which differ from yours?

that was just a thought.. but people should really think about what narrow-mindedness is before accusing one of it ;)
oh well I have to write something down...
Opeth are just incredible...
That said, let's get more in-depth... Mike is simply the most talented man on the metal scene: he can growl like some beast of hell, and has one of the most emotional clean voice of the scene. I love Stanne's vox, but Mike is better for me. Then, he writes almost all the music, and is a good guitar player, and a very good lyricist as well, go read the lyrics for "My Arms Your Hears" and "Still Life" to see this. The other guys are just excellent players, especially the two Martins. Live, they are tight as hell... I've seen them live just once, but I was struck down by the sheer intensity of their performance. Mikeal switches between his voices in the blink of an eye...

Their songs MUST be long... there's no other way... they're meant to be that way, and so be it. It's a way of intending music lifted directly from the great progressive bands of the 70s, a world which I learned to love thanks to Opeth, primarily...
Opeth's tunes are more than songs, are masterfully crafted sonical journeys through the spectre of human emotions... especially on their first two albums. "Morningrise" in particular is a piece of art I cannot stay away from for more than a week, even now, 6 years after its release. Just to clear things, another disc I simply HAVE to listen to is "The Gallery", of another small swedish band, I don't think you know of 'em... ;)

Oh, don't forget the magnificient Opeth logo!:grin:

All right, I have written enough for today... just think to the fact that this autumn we'll see the release of TWO epic masterpieces from them...

Originally posted by Qsilver
Is it narrow-mindedness to not like the music you happen to like or not accept other people tastes which differ from yours?

that was just a thought.. but people should really think about what narrow-mindedness is before accusing one of it ;)
Of course people are free to not like the music I like ("one can't argue taste" could be my motto!), but if you had read Hyena's post I was referring to I think you'd understand. And my remark wasn't all that seriously meant anyway...

I've seen way more than enough narrow-mindedness to know what I'm talking about! Just watch the news and read the papers...
Originally posted by Narcoloth
@MadTinus: Aspera and sham are great , but LMI is just a masterpiece! I am amazed that you like arcturus in general but you hate their best CD!
LMI is one of those albums that I've tried to like really hard, you know, I want to like it, but the spark just wouldn't fly... I'll give it another try sometime... maybe. I kinda have the same feeling with DT "Projector", Opeth "MAYH", Emperor "IX Equilibrium"...
Originally posted by rahvin
you're forgetting nicktheclayman, somberlain and mousewings. getting lonely in here, isn't it? :) good for you you've got all these overlong opeth song to keep you company for a very long time. :spin:

Hmm, let's just say, you wanted to lure all those obedient Opeth fans out of their cages and for once I was a very willing victim... Congrats!
Opeth is amazing i love there long songs its like a book you must understand it to like it ....

They have alot of styles of music all in a song that makes its so interesting to listen too....

but of course they will never be as great as DT :spin:
Originally posted by MadTinus

Hmm, let's just say, you wanted to lure all those obedient Opeth fans out of their cages and for once I was a very willing victim... Congrats!

we're promoting friendship and fair play among fans of bands in the same style, so die, you scum!! :mad: :p :p

rahvin. (my idol is chupier than thine)
i started listening to opeth last year, got recommended to me on my hunt for new music..

got about 20 mp3s, and slowly fell in love with them.. since then ive bought all 5 albums.. and they are great for when u want some background music, or ur just in that emotional state.. i do like the guitar work quite alot.. nice and clean, and i like the way the changes in a song come into effect.. definately a favourite band of mine..

now if only opeth and DT would come out to australia :(