Had this discussion with a friend - define 'real' Australians, or let alone what it means to be Australian. It came down to the fact that this country is a cluster-fuck of cultural filth, a petrie dish of bottomless tards (Don't look at me BRO) and those that demand you giv' 'em a dol-luh (so they can buy cheap, shitty beer to get in touch with the spirits -- not and not the alcoholic kind). There is no clear definition here, just cliches and references to more cultural incest. Koala bears? Stoned maggots. Steve Irwin? Unlucky. Shrimp on the barbie -- who the fuck even does that.
As for the universities, a fair bit of the time, you don't even know if they're going to respond in English or Engrish. Your first instinct is to speak like a half-tarded dimwit, in fear of repeating yourself again. If your FOB radar is off, you're a filthy racist -- you lose either way. Fair call on that also, as universities nowadays are not educational institutions -- they're businesses. Governments talk of skill shortages, yet our educational system is designed to spin dollars, not professional trades and/or skills. One of my own lecturers freely and willingly admitted to me that the university was gearing itself up as 'the university of choice' for internationals. Heaven fucking forbid that they actually partake in group assignments without utilising the copy/paste functions that a computer can offer. I take consolation in the fact that they pay 5-10x as much as I do for the sacred parchment you receive after carrying them through 3 years of useless tripe. On a complete side note, why the fuck are they here taking our jobs, then sheltering their children from assimilation and acquisition of native tongue? How is this good for the economy?
How many of you know that once upon a time, the government PAID for you to go to university? Your parents now pay for YOU if you're lucky enough, else the government helps to provide the youth of Australia with assisted debt: otherwise known as HELP. 'Irony' got up and packed its bags from the Oxford dictionary to make way for 'Sodomy'.
A plague on your children, that is all.