I agree with this too.
I was never trying to be a racist when I made my 'asians' comment. It was merely an observation I made whilst walking through Sydney and my university. There are plenty of asians around...so what? I never said I didn't like them or that they were a problem in any way.
I actually had this discussion with a mature age student (late 20's mum) in one of tutorials at uni for a sociology subject. We were discussing something about Australia being a multicultural society, and I was arguing that it might not be as multi-cultural as everyone thinks, particularly on this one example I saw on a 'current affair' style show one night...
There are a few suburbs in Sydney that have probably around 80% of the people living there, come from one particular Asians country (I can't remember which one). The idea behind the story was that it was difficult for the english speaking Australians to actually live there, because they would go down the street to the shops and all of the signs were in 'x' languauge, and hardly any of the people working in the shops themselves could speak english. My idea of multi-culturalism isn't this, as it is hardly a merging of the cultures, rather, it is more of a nuisance to the english speaking people who live there. Again, while I have nothing against ANY foreigners who have made Australia home, I find it unusual that you can find places in this country where english is completely redundant, whereas you can find many places (in south east Asia as well) around the world, where you can get by with a little english.
...anyway, after I dropped this point of view on the argument, she came back (to the whole class mind you) that I was one of the 'problems' of the younger generations these days, because I referred to them as 'Asians' rather than 'Australians' and she thinks people like me are incredibly intolerant. This really pissed me off, because 1. I only called them Asians because I couldn't remember what the specific country was, and also because you don't hear anyone bitching about being called 'Americans' if they're from America, or 'Indians' if they're from India, etc, and 2. I was merely raising the point to add something different to the discussion besides the 18 year old rich girls who were like "umm, yeh, I think Australia is multi-cultural because...umm...there are lots of people living here with different cultural backgrounds". It was a TV report I saw and just thought I'd put it forward in the discussion, yet I get called a racist for it...fucking stupid.
Please don't think I'm some sort of ignorant racist.
Also @ Deus.exe - I don't really think the conclusions you're drawing about my views are really correct or necessary by any means.
Also with regards to me being half-lebanese...the only time I even bring up being lebanese is when someone makes a joke about the hair on my back above my ass, or my crazy love for kebabs. I hate the kind of 'lebs' Harry is referring to as much as anybody, but not because they're lebs...I hate them because they are a group of people who act like fucking idiots, start fights, and bitch about Australians in the same way Harry said.
Finally, I only came into this thread because I thought it would be funny to poke at some of the stuff that happens in Australia. I am by no means having a proper 'bitch' about my country, with the mindset that I've got it worse than everyone else. I fucking love this country and to be honest, I can't imagine living in a better place in the world. It is just part of the Australian character (in a way) to talk about some of the stuff like this, and to be honest I'm not really sure why. Can any other aussies back me up on this idea?