YT: Axe Fx vs. Line6 Pod HD...

I preferred the pod sounds for all comparisons except the last one. Fireball vs energyball?
The axe fx sounded way too boomy and scooped for my taste. The pod was treblier and a little more in your face like real amps are.
Thanks OLA..HUGE disappointment from my end..Since I already own an AXE_FX standard and a pod xt..I was hoping that the POD HD..would really impress me because of its ability to be som mobile.. thanks bro!
Thanks OLA..HUGE disappointment from my end..Since I already own an AXE_FX standard and a pod xt..I was hoping that the POD HD..would really impress me because of its ability to be som mobile.. thanks bro!

But dude it is still mobile :D

I rehearsed with it yesterday together with my Crate Powerblock and it was pretty sweet. Have to dial some more though.
Have you managed to test the crate powerblock with the Axe-FX? Is it also good?