YT - ENGL Savage Live,

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Posted two clips of my new band Feareds first gig ever on Youtube.
Might aswell share it with the engl fanatics on this board.

Enjoy!(or don't the quality isn't that good :Smug:) They are filmed with different cameras so the sound differs a bit.

Fall of man:

Argh, the mix needs more savage and less snare! haha. Nah you know what I think, your music kicks arse and your amp does too. Always makes me sad I can't get one here without selling at least someone into slavery...
I think those tunes sound really good. I am diggin' Fall Of Man.

The amp sounds awesome.

Your singer sounds pretty darn cool, too.

Thanks for sharing with us!
ahem ... now I'm diggin' Godlike

I realise the topic of this thread is about your amp (which is killer), but who does the writing in the band?

Good stuff.
Thanks dudes. I'm the writer in the band and I'm a bit of a nazi when it comes to writing. I have to do all the drums, vocal harmonies, lyrics everything. If anyone has an idea, I have to destroy them :)

If you want more songs check out
There are currently 17 songs to download from there.

And if you have a myspace add us, and I'll put you on top friends. I want more Sneapers there.
Been listening to your material lately. It would really kick arse to mix something like that. At the moment ive been doing mainly rock and I really miss the heavier modern/edge stuff. Great writing though - I wish you all the success possible with your band.