YT: Laboga Mr Hector clip...

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Did a Laboga Mr Hector video(Zoran the other guitarist in Scarpoint is endorsed). VERY good amp for its price, at least in europe. Like a rectifier just a little more modern...


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sounds great!
if anyone is in desperate need for a mr hector feel free to contact me. i got an endorsement with them but i realized i don´t need another amp...;-)
We just plugged it in and it sounded awesome through the roadster right away. :yell:

yeah, I loved it as well when I first plugged it in...not a bad amp for sure.
but when I compared it to all the other amps in a blind test there was always something in the mids that made it sound narrow, small and somehow congested.

as I said, not a bad amp, just couldn't really compare with Recto etc (for my taste at least)