YT: Torpedo Live Professional Load box

I'll have to do that one of these days, I'd rather have it run through a hardware unit and not bother with impulses because 1. I'm never going to use impulses on my own stuff and 2. I hate impulses and feel that these are somehow better? I know it's theoretically just running an impulse from another source but I'll be damned if it doesn't sound better just based on clips.
Pretty interested to hear some more amps run through the live version myself. If you can get tones that are suitable for final mixes out of this unit i think that would definately sell it for me. To be able to do reamps at home, at night, would be perfect.
Just a FYI a TORPEDO Live is going to the BOTA Studio (Veil of Maya, Born of Osiris...) and will be in production this week with new bands.

They already have a Kemper and Axe FX2.

Hopefully we'll get some information from the studio and possibly video/samples. ;)

I can understand the point about price and everything. Again, apart from the modeling technology, the overall electrical parts selection is important if you want to keep the dynamics and tone.

The best digital modeling technology in a poorly design electronic board will destroy your sound. Always think about the weakest link in your signal chain, work on it and you will improve your tone.

Power soak + impulse loader in a pedal size on top of your head. That's what I want to see. Oh and also priced like a pedal should.

Well, I find hard to dissipate 100W in a pedal format. As we work mainly with professionals they want the rack format. But you are right, a kind of a table top unit would be nice. When you say "priced like a pedal should", and as pedal go from 45$ to 400$ more or less, how much do you have in mind?
Cool to hear from the man himself! A very nice product you came up with and it's actually something I'd been hoping for. :)

I was being critical mainly since I'm only trying to make things simpler for live situations. What I meant with the pricing was that if it's the same price as a real cab the main purpose of the Torpedo would be that it's less weight. (sure you can switch cabs on it but I think most people will just search for one cab that sounds the best, personally I'd just make one impulse of my cab and use that) Weight surely is a deal breaker for me but I don't have rack gear so getting a rack for that would make things just as complicated as carrying a real cab so that's why I would've loved to have it as small as possible like the Palmer PDI-06 for example. Price ofcourse depends but I guess I could pay 400-500€ for something like that. A Palmer PDI-06 costs 200€... That and a laptop with the free program for IR loading would be cheaper you know. Or the SPL Reducer with a laptop.
I found your opinion very interesting and even if I don't spend that much time here I try to listen to the people's opinion.

I'd love to design a very cheap unit but as convolution is involved, you need a lot of CPU power to achieve low latency. And converters and the electronic parts around.

The PDI06 is far from a TORPEDO Live, it's a simple attenuator with no line out. No way you can record or send your signal to a PA with that. So you'll need a microphone, mic preamp and a converter if you have to go digital. Prices can jump way above a simple cabinet.

So I don't think the TORPEDO as a cabinet replacement ONLY.

The TORPEDO products are a life savior for everyone playing in places where the sound has to be controlled (venue, radio show, TV show, home, studio in live recording...), and everyone who tried analog loadbox then our product know that there is a huge difference that worth the price.

For private use, at home, it's a matter of choice and where you want to put the money. The recording gear is not cheap if you want to compete with what's in the TORPEDO.

Maybe it's not something easy to hear on a sample but dynamics and great tone are easy to feel when you play with a machine.
We a talking about 100W RMS.

The live can handle up to 260V peak at its input, I don't think that a lot of guitar amp will handle 100W RMS for a long time.

I see no problem using the 5150 (witch is 120W if I correctly remember) with the Live.

To be perfectly safe, there is a security system to prevent damage on the amp or the Live based on temperature monitoring.

Of course I won't recommend to run any amp at full volume unless it's a matter of life and death (in other words, make this drummer understand who the boss is).

And, this is my humble opinion, it is not at max volume that the 5150 will be the best, especially if you have a significant amount of distortion at the preamp stage.
guillaume.pille, sure and Torpedo is a great product as is. I guess what I'm saying is that I'd be on a market for a slightly different product. If you are in process of doing a cheaper product in future I'm sure there'll be plenty of people willing to buy a simple loadbox with a custom IR option.
i've built a small resistive load box rated at max 100W dissipation into a 1590B enclosure. of course, the enclosure will not be able to dissipate 100W heat without staying under 100°C, but the point is that with the master cranked to about 3-4 on a 5150, you only have about 30-40W going into the loadbox. while still quite hot, it's perfectly safe to run.

again, i'm talking about a fucking 1590B. the size of a maxon OD808 :lol:
I'm just going to guess that he doesn't have much gigging experience if he thinks that "if it's the same price as a real cab the main purpose of the Torpedo would be that it's less weight" and "getting a rack for that would make things just as complicated as carrying a real cab."

A small rack is SO much easier to carry around than a cabinet, not to mention it provides housing for a common power source, wireless receiver, tuner, drawer for gaff/sharpies/tools/spare picks+leads+strings/etc.

That and there's a huge benefit to not running a cabinet on stage. It makes the FoH guys job easier and allows for lower on-stage volume in general, decreases setup/teardown time, saves you/your roadies an extra trip, takes up WAY less space in a trailer, etc.
A medium-sized rack can easily weigh as much as a cabinet, especially if using ATA rated road cases, so maybe that's what he's thinking about. The direct to PA method doesn't work for every band, especially small-time metal bands that are sometimes going to be playing basements and other places with shoddy house systems. Until you get to a certain level, relying solely on a DI device isn't the most reliable method.

I personally would use the Torpedo Live for DI tracking from my apartment, and possibly on stage in junction with a real cabinet, using it for the PA, and the cabinet for a oversized stage monitor and back line sound when needed.
I said that it would be cheaper to have a laptop and a cheaper loadbox on stage and that was why I thought the 1K price is a bit steep for the way I would use this product. (my own impulse and none of the EQ options since that a FOH issue) We've got 2 laptops on stage already so one more isn't going to make things more complicated and I'm actually sure I can use one of those existing laptops for IR loading. And you know... we're forgetting a few things here. When you don't have a cab you don't get feedback (monitor feedback is not the same thing) and also you hear your playing out of monitors and not the cab. I've been gigging that way for the past three years and now that I got a real amp I realized how much I was missing out on. Again... that's just my opinion. So personally if I start listing the positives and negatives I'm not 100% sure if I'd get this product but that's just me. It most likely exactly what some people are looking for.