
Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001

I have spent 1 twelve hour day per song since a few weeks back and I must admit that just the thought of it makes me tired..but I listened thru it all today and I am extremely proud of myself!!! It's by far my best vocalperformance this far...the vocals contain everything from my range (except growls and Steel highpitch...well..there are some totally highpitched notes but they are deep down in some of the massive "Queen" choirs so you probably won't hear them...when I heard them all alone without music it sounded like a bunch of cats being runover by a truck...but good anyway...ehhrr?? Tired..maybe!!???) meaning, a bit of classic low Nighingale, The Unicorn kinda voice, the Godsend style, the Odyssey style and...well, my style....
The tracklisting is now finalized and here it is:

RECOLLECTIONS (A very soft track based on Alive Again, just keyboardpads and vocals)
SHADOWMAN (A real hardrock song!! Strong chorus with a middlesection to die for!!)
GLORY DAYS (Also known as the "Hold your fire/Rush" song, slow and pretty commercial, one of my faves!!)
FALLING (Also a pretty slow one..Nouga believes it is the best track he's written and I am ready to agree...gooooosebumps!!)
INTO THE LIGHT (Another Nouga track..a bit more uptempo with a great chorus)
ETERNAL (The song!!! around 11 minutes over symphrock Swanö-style. Like a massive version of the first minutes of the Alive Again track)
STATE OF SHOCK (Hardrock the 70's style with a poppy chorus..it really came alive during the vocalrecording)
THE ONE (A Nouga classic I demanded to have on here..pretty slow and in majorkey which will make it a hardnut to crack for all narrowminded "sad" people..but you're not one of them, right!!)
SHADOWLAND SERENADE (One of my personal faves..a very powerful track..dark metal...a bit like Queenryche Operation M. days..a great middle section with Lesliecabinet vocals!!)
FOREVER AND NEVER (Dark and moody, it has the ending of the Alive Again coming back at the end with some vocals on it...it closes this album just like its sisteralbum Closing Chronicles!)


Very good to hear , when you say its the best vocals you have done thus far, its pretty scary :) (we all know how modest you are)... the album will rock, keep up the good work.
I have concluded from the thread title and your first few sentences that you are a madman. More like a mad scientist making his ultimate music creation. Are you going to pull a switch and have your CD struck by lighting while shouting "IT'S ALIVE... AGAIN!" or something?

The CD sounds kickass! Can't wait till you release it so I can buy it immediately!
Dan said......
meaning, a bit of classic low Nighingale, The Unicorn kinda voice, the Godsend style, the Odyssey style and...well, my style....

Is this possibe??? Seems like the "Godsend style" would stand out like a sore thumb among the rest, though I'd love to hear more of your vocals form "As the Shadows.." those were very dark-unique sounding from you! I can't wait to hear THIS mix of vocals. :D
yessa! I can't wait! Now get to work on something else! No rest for you, because Jeff Peters wants more Swano!

Honestly, though, this sounds fantastic and I can't wait. You deserve several weeks of sleep and relaxation after this! Thanks!- Jeff
I just shit my pants again.... I CAN`T WAIT `TILL SEPTEMBER TO HEAR THIS THING!!! ARgh... The again, I know it`s worth the wait. Congrats on finishing the vocals Dan, I enjoyed reading your one-sentence-review of all the songs. Please release as soon as possible, I`m out of boxershorts godamit! :lol: Just the thought of another Nightingale-CD for my collection...mhm..this is going to be fucking ghhhhreeaaat!!!!!! *wearing a huge happy-hat*
So, that whole long spiel seemed like a teaser! Are you sure you're not female. You did a really good job recreating the mood, if not. :)

"Ah kingly kiss--
no more regret
nor old deep memories
to mar the bliss;
where the low sedge is thick,
the gold day-lily
outspreads and rests
beneath soft fluttering
of red swan wings"