ZEH DRUNNK threadd

Christlgik I'm sm nf'ucked mmmm,m whythe fuckn am Inon cobotsob ?

Because dressing well doesn;t stop you from being a massive fagot?
Lol@u. Some dude in argyle tried to fight us, then my freind took of his puffy coat to reveal the fact hes hueeege, guy wearing white/baby blue arglye fucked off :p.

I'm glad I have people around me, so I don't have to get heeuuge myself.
Good morning and thank you spain, for producing good cheap wine.
Hope the frenchman is not around:goggly:
I'm drinking a £3.99 Rosé Wine, the sticker literally has nothing on it but the word "ROSÉ" on a white background... Classy as fuck.