ZEH DRUNNK threadd

Oh hai. Drudkh is pretty awesome. So is Lmfao.

Today i bought rum, its the first day in 4-5 months snce ive purchased something that isnt gin, tequila, goldshlager(sp) or jager.

Shots, shots, shots-shots-shots

I also install diablo 2, anyone for a direct IP/open b.net shit? Ripped off cd :( my install disc is scratched :(!!!
Shots, shots, shots-shots-shots

I am SO fucking angry that I can interpret this right now

rofl tabs lololol UIm seriously laughing myass off at this because some dumb bitches were dancing on tables upstairs singng this ahaha

now this is going to be stuck in my head while i try and sleep

k thanks
Fu k wheee am I .I'm paring froem my iPod as my friend Travis is rolling around puking on everything . Tonight a ska band played here called big
Last night I somehow got undressed to pass out, but left my glasses on. I am still perplexed, especially since last I remember I wasn't even wearing my glasses.
last night after my friends birthday party we went to subway at 3am, then later when I got home I started puking everywhere outside screaming "five dolla foot long! five dolla foot long!"

Then I remember passing out on my bathroom floor for a while and I somehow managed to crawl into bed