ZEH DRUNNK threadd

last night:

went to a party, drank a ton of 151 rum, coconut rum, really good wine, beer pong
friends called me up, i was shitty trashed. i stole ALL the alcohol and ran to my friends car
went to a park and drank it all
drove way up to north portland (ghetto) to this party
went to buy some weed, got pulled over by a cop but he was chill as fuck and let us be
almost got beat up by huge ass mexicans
dipped the fuck out of there

cop must be an asshole.
some 13 year old driving drunk through the ghetto looking for some weed. and he doenst say a word? :lol:
Keep on drinking and driving!Makes you awesome and stuff.
wehsefsong grakmna deont siunsd drukn enouhh
how the fuck do you post a perfectly fine spelling/grammar status on facebook like 5 minutes ago and write this?

When I'm drunk I can either concentrate as hard as I possibly can on typing correctly... Or not :lol: Sometimes you can't tell when I'm inebriated, other times its blindingly obvious.
Okay here's the plan of action

It's 9:30pm now

Going to friend's house to pregame and finish my Molsons I left there -> From there leaving to go to some 80's themed party that may be lame or awesome -> Then making an epic frozen journey to the bars -> Hoping to make it back to my apartment alive by 3am and from there, may continue drinking if I don't pass out

Along the way of my journey there is a chance epic ridiculous events may occur, including but not limited to: property destruction, friends passing out/puking in public places, dumb freshman girls making fools of themselves

I shall try and return to the forums tonight to report

over and out