ZEH DRUNNK threadd

Last time I got drunk, lost my jacket ticket, went to buy a new jacket and finally got on the plane while still drunk. Not to mention dancing naked in a elevator because it had windows to the outside of the hotel :S
Early st pattys day celebration with my college friends because actuall st pattys day is during our spring break.

Getting fucked the hell up.

I am nearing the finishing of this 12 pack of guiness, 4 more beers to go. And then I shall start on Old Grandad whiskey that will inevitably destroy every piece of my sorry ass

i got som drunkn at my friends party at her 4 bagillion dollar mansion, so fucking legit. all the alcohol in the world, and her dad has a huuuuge ass nice hookah which was awesome. except i was the housemaid/cook/bartender of the whole shindig because everyone else was just retardedly drunk
So I can not have sex when I'm drunk. Always ends in... well, it never ends and I get too bored and saying things I shouldn't =/

"So are you satisfied? I kinda wanna go play 360" Is never a good idea. But an interesting one if anything.
Well I can, it just ends in someone being mad at me xD My girlfriend was not very happy with her hair the other night =/

Jack Daniels before sex = BOOM HEADSHOT
Don't lie Enmity, we all know that you actually just got whiskey dick and couldn't get it up and that's why your girlfriend got mad :lol:

i kid, i kid :p
Don't lie Enmity, we all know that you actually just got whiskey dick and couldn't get it up and that's why your girlfriend got mad :lol:

i kid, i kid :p

Nah, I've never really been THAT drunk, but I'll get back to you on that.

Depending on what I drink it all takes a different effect though. Jager (no fucking dots for the A on my keyboard >.>) I just kind of get drunk and that's it. Tequila I get way too hype and something usually gets broken. Whiskey just taste like fermented pirate piss so I don't usually drink much of it. I like sparks alot though, the energy drink things. I usually drink 6 or 7 of those and end up awake all night lol.