ZEH DRUNNK threadd

ha semi croquant la......... if u undersatould dat cox lemmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdereis a nooooonb security gardddd at my residencessssss
fuck game over

last weekend of schoo
250 pounds of bbq and 4 kegs at my mercy
open bar
fuck tghs

im out of my element

ohgot im dfrunk i had some wine qoirjh my roomates og god im druk jha7hjkm jmk
Oh I'm drunk, I had some wine with my roommates, oh god im drunk *mash keys in excitement*.

mu decopng post here om not anew fanb anyomre flo send me ling i justr post no har fe;lelins

(mu decopng) post here, im not a newfag anymore flo, send me the link I just posted, no hard feelings. (I'd like to know the story behind this)

prenduluilm ids awedssomr wjen you str fdrubk

Pendulum is awesome when you are drunk in Netherlands.
You guys are incredible fucking posers, i've durunk an incredible amount of booze this night(no idea how much), nad the only reason i found this fucking page is because it was in the top 10 threads. THe last time i was in the state that you claim to be(unable to fucking type out basic words), i couldn't fucking find the goddamned forum.

YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING POSEURS if you REALLY HONESTLY DIG UP this thread, and then manage to "type" out those atrocious lazy fucking retardo posts. Seriously, poseurs. LOL METAL I AM SO DRUNK ON A FORUM.

Fuck you, either you have 0 limit, or you fake it. I'm willing to bet on the latter. And this is coming from someone who's intoxicated enough to have serious trouble typing(backspace is getting a rough use here), but able to FUCKING type this out without SERIOUS issues.\

Go to hell.