~Blind Guardian 12/7~

I'll be at both the Cleveland show and the Chicago show..odds are, I'll be sitting behind the t-shirt table hehe.

Reminder: The Metro (Chicago) show starts at 6:30, so bear that in mind when you make your plans..

See ya'll this weekend!
show starts at 6:30...Doors open at 6:00...you will probably find me chillin outside The Metro at around 4:00 if all goes according to plan. Things never go according to plan....but I will definately be there pretty early. Is that overkill? I want to be as close to the stage as possible
Not sure if that's overkill or not, I've never been to the Metro before. But the weather channel says the high on Saturday will be about 40F, so hopefully you won't freeze like you would if the concert was today (it's around 25F). I'd say the temperature will be dropping pretty fast between 4-6pm, though.

I only bring it up because, If you're going to stand outside for two hours, it might get really uncomfortable. Bundle up.

I'll probably catch an early dinner at one of the places around Wrigley, and head to the Metro at 5:30 or so.

the best metal store in chicago will be hosting blind guardian for an in store signing---METAL HAVEN address-604 w belmont. it is only about a mile from the metro(which by the way is a great sounding venue with alot of history) the time for the signing is 1:00 pm. metal haven is about 2 blocks from lake michigan at the corner of belmont and broadway.
Sold out house, BG played a different set from PPP3. Symphony X was excellent. Even Twelfth Gate (local band) put on a good show--though only 4 songs. Good singer.

It was great to see a sold-out metal show in Chicago. And the view from the balcony rail at the Metro is absolutely perfect.

yes. All three bands played a hell of a show. There was more energy coming from both the bands and the audience than I could have ever imagined. One of the best shows I have ever seen. I was front and center pretty much the whole show. We were a bit packed together at times (when the man they called John Shaffer made an apearence and everyone rushed the stage is a good example) but it was well worth it.
Yes. I was about 2 feet in front of the pit the whole show. I almost got sucked in a few times but my bro was there to pull me out...Thank God I only had to duck a body or two though. Luckily most went to either side of me.
WoW that was one heck of a show! I traveled from Grand Rapids, MI for it and it was well worth it! It was KILLER to see Symphony X live! They absolutely tore it up! Blind Guardian looked a lot more comfortable on the stage than they did at PP3, and they performed 10 times better (which is saying a lot!) It seemed that the crowd was partial to Symphony X, but the HUGE uproar when Blind Guardian hit the stage sent a literal chill through me! Maybe that's cuz I was underneath the balcony overhang and everything was echoing! haha!

I went to the in-store signing earlier in the day and then got to meet and chat with Symphony X after the show. I thought that was really nice of them to come out and greet us!

Everyone I met at the show was really nice! Lady of the Oracle, I think I saw you afterwards by the Symphony X crowd, but I chickened out on saying hello because I thought of what an ass I would have sounded like if it wasn't you!! haha! I wish I would have found some of the UMers that went, but I didn't know how to go about finding you. If you were outside in the line, I was the girl walking back and forth with the Dream Theater knit hat and black coat, looking like I was looking for someone :lol:

What a show! I can't imagine how awesome BG will be when they get to come back!

Hey! I saw you walking around outside the show! I saw a girl in the show that kinda looked like your little picture icon dealy that you have but I didn't say anything for the very same reason you didn't say anything to Oracle. Glad I didn't lol. BTW I came down from Michigan too. I am closer to the Detroit area. Oh...And does anyone remember the name of that metal magazine that they took the cover shot for? I can't remember...
Both bands often said how great the crowd was and usually I would be like "They say that at EVERY show I'm sure" but I actually believed them this time. My bro and I were trying to make the show as "European" as possible. I know from all the Live albums I have heard...Iced Earth's Alive in Athens is a great example...that Europeans chant and clap and go HEY a lot. So I did that. I started practicly all the SYMPHONY and GUARDIAN chants. Good times....
Originally posted by Mephistopheles
Hey! I saw you walking around outside the show! I saw a girl in the show that kinda looked like your little picture icon dealy that you have but I didn't say anything for the very same reason you didn't say anything to Oracle. Glad I didn't lol. BTW I came down from Michigan too. I am closer to the Detroit area. Oh...And does anyone remember the name of that metal magazine that they took the cover shot for? I can't remember...

You're glad you didn't say hi??! :erk:

I didn't get back until this evening because the people I went with (AND was waiting for before the show!) have parents that live in Chi-town so we were able to stay the night after the show. How far is it from Detroit to Chicago? It's 3 hours to both from Grand Rapids, so if I remember algebra, that should be about 6 hours?

I think that the guy said "Metal Maniac Edge".. as if the Metal Maniacs & Metal Edge magazines were of the same company. :err: That didn't make much sense to me so I assume that I heard him wrong. I hope that we find out because I will, of course, be buying it immediately :D Let me know if you find out! Whatever it is, it sounds like "MetalManiacEdge" :lol:

Oh and yes...It took about 5 to 6 hours to get there. Good job. Didn't seem like that long though...I set up a TV and a Nintendo Gamecube in the back seat of the van we took. Helps to pass the time.
It might have stillbeen me, I took off the hat and carried the jacket during the show.

Man, I would have killed for a chance to play video games on the trip! Hahaha! Then again, it was only 3 hours for me and my crew, but that's a lot when you have nothing to do but use the cooler as a pillow :lol:
Might have been you....hmmmm....was there a nerdy looking semi tall guy with glasses sporting an Iced Earth Something Wicked tee and a red sweatshirt tied around his waist crammed in front of you for half the show?
Hmmm... the only people in front of me where two couples that kept kissing all the time. Neither of the girls looked very amused being there. If you're standing in the middle looking AT the stage, I was on the left, just under the balcony overhang. I had on an Iced Earth girlie shit, my jacket in my hands (tied around my waist during BG) and I was fumbling around with a coke for most of the show.