Recent content by dubbingmixer

  1. dubbingmixer

    Really Cool Logic Drum Editing tutorial

    Can't take credit for this, but just watched this video and it's definitely given me some insight in how to use flex times and edit / record drums.
  2. dubbingmixer

    Record Pro Tools, mix Logic?

    Anyone here use a combination of both DAWS? I'd love to be able to just edit in Logic, but I'm just so accustomed to Pro Tools editing (the smart tool and key commands), I just can't get it out of my system. Logic Kicks ass for mixing and composition though:rock:
  3. dubbingmixer

    Gloria Jean's Coffee

    You sir! You better be having one of those voltage coffees with about 10gazillon shots... I'd kill for one right now. Yes I could make it... but where's the fun, fuck hard labour.... I want someone else to pick my coffee beans and grind em down...
  4. dubbingmixer

    Gloria Jean's Coffee

    I love ice cold frappas myself. Its got to feed my ice cold black heart
  5. dubbingmixer

    Gloria Jean's Coffee

    Saw the steak video on the positive things thread, and it reminded me of my trip down under earlier in the year... My best mate from Oz, told me that while I was over there I had to drink a Voltage coffee... So when I rocked up in Sydney, I ordered the biggest one possible and added sweets...
  6. dubbingmixer

    The I love Logic 9 thread!

    Just renewing my love for logic 9, never been so content with a daw, so easy to time drums and edit
  7. dubbingmixer

    The I love Logic 9 thread!

    All I ever read on Logic forums, are people complaining about it crashing and being bug ridden. I've never really seen a logic bug at all. Pro Tools on the other hand.....:hypno:
  8. dubbingmixer

    Logic Pitch Correction Plugin

    Does anybody use Logics on board pitch correction frequently? I've been looking for a half decent video tutorial on it, but can't find anything. I really just want to be able to get my head around it and make simple vocal tuning changes. Though I suppose it would be cool to do the "T-Pain"...
  9. dubbingmixer

    The I love Logic 9 thread!

    Been using it since Friday, not one single crash. The spin wheel of death does come into play sometimes, usually when I have high processing plugins like EW Orchestra or Steve Slate loading up. When I bought a copy of Logic, I really started to appreciate how much of cash cow Digi is. Pro...
  10. dubbingmixer

    New devin video?

    Oh man, hes starting to look way older... still he's certainaly not passed it... I can't wait for Deconstruction... bring back the skullet
  11. dubbingmixer

    Xbox Gamertags

    Yeah man, sorry never actually got talking to you. I saw this thread ages ago, and just randomly added you I'll talk to ya next time we're on
  12. dubbingmixer

    The I love Logic 9 thread!

    Glad to hear, Ive had many a buyers impulse after reading these forums.... Steven Slate comes to mind.. But in all serious you won't regret it
  13. dubbingmixer

    Xbox Gamertags

    My tag is: Lord Forker Got most games, am shit at all of them, but need some friends on there because Im a loner boner...
  14. dubbingmixer

    The I love Logic 9 thread!

    Been downloading a copy of Hackintosh today, going to install it on my PC laptop so I can use it on the go. Anybody here got any tracks made with logic 9 yet??? Any Pro Tools to Logic converts too?
  15. dubbingmixer

    Mom cancels kid's World of Warcraft account..

    I thought so too, until you saw the kid about to attack his dad with the baseball bat, that seemed so quick and off the mark. It just looked too convincing to be fake