The I love Logic 9 thread!


Jul 10, 2008
I love Logic 9, I'm creaming my pants!

Been timing some drums with flex time, it's got the same feel as using elastic audio, but slice mode gives it beat detective results!

Honestly, Apple really have made this thing worthwhile, for $500 you get every plugin and feature required to make a top sounding track. You really don't need any more software, plugins or instruments!

ok, enough whoring before I get carried away, I LOVE IT... I LOVE IT!!! I WANT TO SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!!!!
I love it too :)

things i like about Logic:

-fusion of Elastic Audio and Beat Detective functions into one tool (Flex)
-all the included plugins make a bunch of 3rd-party stuff redundant
-integrated Drum Replacer
-the EXS24 sampler has everything you would ever need, from pianos to choirs and african drums, etc...
-slightly improved GUI, more contrast and a bit easier to look at.
-super easy Audio Quantization that is not resticted to "OFF/100%"
-integrated Parallel Compression abilities in the stock Compressor, very handy
-the Channel EQ plugin is brilliant, and i love the integrated spectrum analyzer.
-for me, much faster workflow than any DAW i've used.
-ultimatly, getting stuff done is a breeze and i find the only 3rd-party plugin i use regularly is PodFarm, everything you need is just sitting there in front of you, ready to go.
@ Metaltastic : Hackintosh is the way to go. Fuck Apple hardware. :)

I'm pretty godo at PC shit, I built mine, but I gotta be honest, I've been to the OSX wiki and I have no clue what the hell is going on :lol:

I want a hackintosh that doesn't have any "oh wait this feature of OSX doesn't work" type stuff going on. Maybe it exists but it was hard for someone completely new to hackintosh to figure anything out there. IME
I'm pretty godo at PC shit, I built mine, but I gotta be honest, I've been to the OSX wiki and I have no clue what the hell is going on :lol:

I want a hackintosh that doesn't have any "oh wait this feature of OSX doesn't work" type stuff going on. Maybe it exists but it was hard for someone completely new to hackintosh to figure anything out there. IME

EXACTLY - it seems like there's still quite a bit that's half-assed and jury-rigged in a Hackintosh setup, and being such a Mac n00b, I'd imagine I'd have a pretty tough time troubleshooting! No, when I go Mac, I'm going for the real deal, but until I can afford that, it's PC + Reaper for me!
EXACTLY - it seems like there's still quite a bit that's half-assed and jury-rigged in a Hackintosh setup, and being such a Mac n00b, I'd imagine I'd have a pretty tough time troubleshooting! No, when I go Mac, I'm going for the real deal, but until I can afford that, it's PC + Reaper for me!

Most of the half-assed ones the dont fully work are the guys that tried to use their existing machines.

if you do a bit of reading, and select the correct componants then everything will work just as well as (or even better than) an Apple machine.

ok, lets not let this become a Mac-Clone thread. :)
Been downloading a copy of Hackintosh today, going to install it on my PC laptop so I can use it on the go.

Anybody here got any tracks made with logic 9 yet??? Any Pro Tools to Logic converts too?
I'm pretty godo at PC shit, I built mine, but I gotta be honest, I've been to the OSX wiki and I have no clue what the hell is going on :lol:

I want a hackintosh that doesn't have any "oh wait this feature of OSX doesn't work" type stuff going on. Maybe it exists but it was hard for someone completely new to hackintosh to figure anything out there. IME

I have a hackintosh. Well, dual booting Windows 7 64 bit and OSX. Everything in OSX works. You just have to know your system specs in and out and know what stuff to install. I didn't need too much, since I have a core 2 quad I could install the vanilla kernel and didn't require much else other than the graphic card extension thing (nvkush or something? idk)

Either way. I want logic 9 sooooo badly. I have 8 and I love it, but the features in 9 make me want to scream because I don't have the money to upgrade yet. :(
All this "vanilla kernel" stuff just feels very jury-rigged and is confusing as hell to me :lol:

I've read hackintosh stuff before where they say literally all you have to do is buy Apple's OSX and install. I guess that's more desktop machines, though.

I've had enough component tinkering and incompatibility issues. I'm sort of tired of setting things just right to make it work. I'm not saying this doesn't exist with Mac (some say it doesn't - usually ignorant fools imo - you know, the ads/people who say "it just works" - in reality, Apple has its own issues). I'm just saying I think there would be less tinkering with a real mac than a Hackintosh. Then again, maybe the savings is worth it.
Been downloading a copy of Hackintosh today, going to install it on my PC laptop so I can use it on the go.

Anybody here got any tracks made with logic 9 yet??? Any Pro Tools to Logic converts too?

I'm currently tracking and should have some mixes done by the end of the week
All this "vanilla kernel" stuff just feels very jury-rigged and is confusing as hell to me :lol:

I've read hackintosh stuff before where they say literally all you have to do is buy Apple's OSX and install. I guess that's more desktop machines, though.

I've had enough component tinkering and incompatibility issues. I'm sort of tired of setting things just right to make it work. I'm not saying this doesn't exist with Mac (some say it doesn't - usually ignorant fools imo - you know, the ads/people who say "it just works" - in reality, Apple has its own issues). I'm just saying I think there would be less tinkering with a real mac than a Hackintosh. Then again, maybe the savings is worth it.

Hackintoshing an existing laptop is an excercise in futility.
you really need to be choosing your own componants and bulding a desktop.