Recent content by union9

  1. union9

    Napalm Death

    As far as I'm concerned, you can't really go wrong with chosing a N.D. cd. Utopia Banished is crushing, as is all of their back catalouge. Try going for 'Fear, Emptiness, Dispear', 'Order Of The Leech', 'Inside The Torn Apart'. I dunno, get'm all I say.
  2. union9

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre Re-Make

    Well. There seems to be some mixed feeling towards the ...Massacre re-make, but it seems the majority of you praise it. I guess I'll have to see for myself. Although, I am more eager to see it than before. Thanx.
  3. union9

    anybody collect vintage LPs? here is my list of records, mostly non-death black meta

    Fuck man. Thats an awsome collection. If something ever happens to you, can I get first dibs on the lot?
  4. union9

    best punk band

    Oh god. Punk IS dead. R.I.P.
  5. union9

    Your Top 5 hardcore/metalcore Bands

    Then I strongly urge you to seek out THE END and CURLUPANDDIE.
  6. union9

    Looking for new bands

    Yes. Try Skinlab. Their everything Machine Head wish they were.
  7. union9

    Neurosis w/ Jarboe

    This cd is high on my want list.
  8. union9

    Cyrptopsy - best album?

    I'm completely torn between 'None So Vile' and 'Whisper Supremacy'. I prefer Lord Worms vocal delivery over Disalvo's, and the tracks on both albums are so fucking brutal, but I voted for Supremacy. Fucks me why, I just did. I'd say both these albums are a must.
  9. union9

    Blood Duster at the Big Day Out

    $100 to see one band and walk around in blistering heat, paying rediculous amounts for drink and food? No thanks. You won't wee me at that shit hole festival.
  10. union9

    Filth vs Borgir in 2003

    I haven't heard Death Cult yet. So I went for Cradle.
  11. union9

    horror movie hoe-down!!!

    For me, It would go something like this. 1. The Company Of Wolves 2. The American Werewolf In London 3. The Howling 4. Dog Soldiers 5. American Werewolf In Paris
  12. union9

    couple questions

    No. Thankyou!
  13. union9

    Testament- The Gathering "Two Words"

    What drugs are you on Eienstein? Souls Of Black and Practice's production are fucking top notch when put against St. Anger's earache acheivement. Anyways. The Gathering Is flawless on all levels.