10 things worth living for


Jan 12, 2004
10 x madness here, mates!!! :hotjump:

I'll post the most wonderful list i've ever heard. It's not

1. Tea
2. Cold clean bed sheets
3. Music
4. First cigarette drag in the morning
5. When my head is empty
6. The things i haven't done
7. To see the sun setting over the trees on the way home
8. The sea
9. To see how they'll burn me when i die
10. someone to drink a beer with
tea with milk
playing my own stuff on stage
freshly squeezed orange juice
singing out loud crying setting/dawning sun lake view
spliff after that
knowing stuff, making me wanna know more stuff
hibernian-kind long sleep with lotsa pos. dreams about the ppl inside
sex. the melting kind
chinese food the way i love it
the feeling of growth
Difficult question... 10 reasons to stay alive... uhmmm...

1) Don't want my mam, or anyone, to feel sad because of my silly departure.
2) Keeping Annso away from jumping from bridges :loco:
3) I sometimes really enjoy listening some of my CD's... really listening, the right CD in the right frame, with the matching drink and atmosphere... when the raging storm in my head calms down a bit.
4) I sometimes really enjoy and adore a 'phrase', or poem, or a story, a lyric or a piece of it... a certain, perfect, way to say or write something...
5) The knowledge I didn't discover/see everything yet that possibly still can be discovered... curiosity.
6) No painfull, everlasting terrible phycial problems or diseases.
7) Walking somewhere, in nature, or a silent town, watching the sunset, smoking quietly a cigarette... (my favorite brand ofcourse...)
8) I enjoy some people's presence/being a lot.
9) ... and sometimes even their conversations too...
10) I will end up 6 feet under anyway, as long as I'm here, or have to be here, I'll try to make it as comfortable and agreable as possible.

Iron Maiden
Japanese movies/anime/video games/TV shows/manga/music/smut
Outperforming the cops with your boss driving skills
Knowing that Kurt Cobain is rotting in the ground, that tonedeaf asshole
looking at the stars at night, or some other poetry reading faggot thing like that
seeing Benjamini
Benjamini having life
seeing Benjamini having life
having life with Benjamini
making love with Benjamini
having some peace with Benjamini
having some peace
having long periods of time in the woods, at the ocean, on the road, in camp grounds.
Seeing my husband happy and healthy.
1. To love and to be loved
2. Holding hands with someone you care about
3. Road Trips/Camping with Friends
4. Eye contact with a totally cute girl :oops:
5. Music
6. Winter Mornings
7. Things to learn/A world to Discover
8. Binary System :loco:
9. Internet
10. Souvlakia :Spin:
The feeling when you're driving back home from a trip with the boat.. tired, lying on the front of the boat with one hand in the sea.. the sound of the motor and the waves, the smell of the salt.

Driving to the croatian coast after spending months in Switzerland.. the moment you approach the sea, open the window and smell the salty air.
Music, gigs, festivals. Giving a hug to a friend whom you haven't seen for a long time :)
* Kimmie ( et Richard)
* knowing that if I no longer lived some people would be sad, like my mother
* for the love of the man I am yet to meet
* to discover and know/learn all that is worth to know in this world
* because I hope I have not yet reached my full potential :erk:
* .... having eventually reached that... to live with the hope that everything will work out okay for me :erk: :erk:
*to enjoy nature: the sunset, the rise of the moon and the stars on a warm summer night, to feel the sun and the wind on my skin, and hear the snow underneath my feet,....
* to wake up and know that someone somewhere will think of me today (if that knowledge were gone...)
* to enjoy the sense / emotions : the warmth of a smile, touch of lips, the relief after a good cry , to sense something perfect ( like an anathema song ;) )
*feeling my heart skip a beat (mijn hart een sprongetje voelen maken )
"...to feel the sun and the wind on my skin, and hear the snow underneath my feet...."

i have nothing to add

no, actually - to FEEL the snow underneath my feet
-your fave club winning the championship (or whatever cup)
-staring at girls
-a killer film
-a killer album
-a killer book
-a killer drink
-going places
-interesting conversations

well, some more i guess that escape me mind right now...