10 things worth living for

Ever read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad? Maybe there's no "secret of life" at all, or the secret is that there's no secret.

I bet Oscar Wilde would've also liked to get away without the Reading gaol experience :/

And I don't necessarily think there's only sorrow behind sorrow. Otherwise we'd all kill ourselves, not seeing over our sorrow.
Destroyer Of Orden said:
You've got to be shitting me... you are so getting passe the point here. Sorrow in my mind is simply another form of pain, and there are many who would agree with me... but I am not looking for that. Nor am I really here to debate. Just stating what I feel, no need to be technical, its a waste of time


You fill my heart with sorrow, my friend :erk:

I always get "passe the point", that's my prerogative.

This Wilde thingy made me think of Strunge, "In a world where pain was a sign of life, but life became a sign of pain".

But that's sad like, absurd to celebrate sorrow/suffering because happiness etc have been faked so much that we almost expect happiness to be fake. Leaving only sadness real.

Come to think of it, this goth lifestyle I've been exposed to recently fakes pain too, possibly because of that, haha, all is lost. Well, at least we have footie.

If we could just be strong enough to be honest about stuff,
Honesty, yeah, but I don't even know myself, sometimes the same thing causes me grief, other times I just laugh at it. I'm not with the same sensitivity each day, I fluctuate, roll, glide, slide with the tide.
Originally Posted by nomana-nuniyan
Are you kidding me? That's what sucking Ben's cock is for. I get the sweet lovely nectars from the demigod himself, which now are running through my veins like venom from a taipan. He feeds me the way he wants to feed me so he can feed on me.

Dhatura said:
OK, goccha.

Yes, he made me suck it all afternoon today. Isn't that nice? I love this guy.
And I really do. Days like today are what make me cry for the next couple of coming months with many more of those piled on top. This makes him happy. Watching me get buried deeper and deeper, knowing I can't extract him from me.

Destroy me Ben, I know you want to. When I come there, you can do what you want to do to me, you know, I know you want to. We will both be happy then. Because I'm not going to be able to live without you.

This guy could make even someone like me, who loves to suck cock, actually come to hate it. But not quite completely. He sure does try though.
Allan said:
This Wilde thingy made me think of Strunge, "In a world where pain was a sign of life, but life became a sign of pain".

But that's sad like, absurd to celebrate sorrow/suffering because happiness etc have been faked so much that we almost expect happiness to be fake. Leaving only sadness real.

Come to think of it, this goth lifestyle I've been exposed to recently fakes pain too, possibly because of that, haha, all is lost. Well, at least we have footie.

If we could just be strong enough to be honest about stuff

spot on

but if you are sad all the time, sorrow becomes an obsession... and it has nothing to do with the goth ideas and that. it's about this melancholy core inside, it never goes away... :erk:
1. love
2. sex
3. music
4. friends
5. hate
6. depression
7. respect
8. pain
9. to make your beloved ones happy
10. every smile from my sweet goddess