10 things worth living for

whatever. i think lonliness and doom is not what i want despite "artsitry"
me mother died of that and she never wrote a classic album
pagan2002 said:
exactly. the sound of that song sums up what i am getting at.
its not love of one particular thing. it is love of life generally. love of eachother. love of nature. love of the beauty of existence. its simple really.
consider the incredible-ness of the big bang (if it happenned)
know what i mean?
complete and utter beauty.

now as for the details...my favourite thing would be good people closely followed by the natural world. afetr that you can take your pick.

ah yes, I know what u mean, a simple feeling, sometimes u cant just give words for it... nature is great, I just love it when I walk outside in the morning and see the sun rising over the snowy mountains, giving them this red shine, that is so wonderfull... and its even better to get inspired by this with people that are close to u :)
DragonLady1 said:
ah yes, I know what u mean, a simple feeling, sometimes u cant just give words for it... nature is great, I just love it when I walk outside in the morning and see the sun rising over the snowy mountains, giving them this red shine, that is so wonderfull... and its even better to get inspired by this with people that are close to u :)
"Alpenglühen"... It's magic. :) Long walks along the stormy North Sea coast are wonderful too, or just sitting with friends beneath a starlit sky, lost in memories or peaceful silence...
long walks by the stormy Irish sea coast are shitty, hehe, but long or even short walks along the Irish sea coast in the next, smaller and nicer town, are really really nice :)
about being alive, I just don't have the brave to leave as I don't want my friends to be sad because of me, and I could not die knowing that they'll be.
think I cannot say 10 things just right now, but sure there are my friends & family, Teargas (my snail)... don't know if love's there or not... its just like what I see about love now is not a thing to live for...
toolsofthetrade said:
no, exactly what she said. thats where it all starts.
At least one person who agrees. :)
If you don't love yourself, if you're not at ease with who you are, how can you ever feel to be a lovable person to someone else?! You could just go and hang yourself. Or seclude yourself from the rest of the world and write poems about your sad and empty life...
I hate the way you put that, loving yourself, rather that be at ease with yourself, doesn't seem at all the same to me, be true about stuff to yourself and that, otherwise nothing matters really, all lies.

..and i think it's absolute nonsense to tell someone they should love or respect themselves, it's not like it's is a conscious choice. Too many idiots walking around preaching life with no regrets saying they'll love and respect themselves no matter what, all lies then really, unreal. I think they'd be much happier or less unhappy if theyaccepted whatever, even if that'd have them secluded writing poems about their sad empty lives.

And that the poet NEEDS the pain is bollox too, no glory in sadness or sorrow or whatever.

Sorry, I'm hungover, no personal offense meant to anyone, just ranting.
Allan said:
I hate the way you put that, loving yourself, rather that be at ease with yourself, doesn't seem at all the same to me, be true about stuff to yourself and that, otherwise nothing matters really, all lies.

..and i think it's absolute nonsense to tell someone they should love or respect themselves, it's not like it's is a conscious choice. Too many idiots walking around preaching life with no regrets saying they'll love and respect themselves no matter what, all lies then really, unreal. I think they'd be much happier or less unhappy if theyaccepted whatever, even if that'd have them secluded writing poems about their sad empty lives.

And that the poet NEEDS the pain is bollox too, no glory in sadness or sorrow or whatever.

Sorry, I'm hungover, no personal offense meant to anyone, just ranting.
i think its not narcism like, it's like you said, being at ease with yerself, acceptance of the way you are, the way you deal with things - be at one with what you think you are meant to be like.

if you cant accept the way you are yourself, you cant see though other ppl's 'shortcomings', or things you might feel they 'lack'.
it's like learing how to be patient with yourself, and others IMO.
toolsofthetrade said:
i think its not narcism like, it's like you said, being at ease with yerself, acceptance of the way you are, the way you deal with things - be at one with what you think you are meant to be like.
if you cant accept the way you are yourself, you cant see though other ppl's 'shortcomings', or things you might feel they 'lack'.
it's like learing how to be patient with yourself, and others IMO.
Well said. Loving yourself doesn't mean you have to adore yourself, it just means accepting and respecting yourself (including the shortcomings that you may be unable to change) and trying to be at ease with yourself a wee bit more each day... Yes, it's a process of learning...
"Reserving judgement is a matter of infinite hope", hehe.

Not really any disagreement here, but i don't think I'm "meant" to be anything, I choose it all every moment, no greater concepts to lean on, and loving yourself sounds very unhealthy to me still. And I think most people, certainly me, have done many things themselves, they don't respect at all, accept that.

Steffen Brandt knows

"How about me saying I'm not quite sure what I'm doing
how about you saying it's quite alright
wouldn't we be quite happy the 2 of us?"

Love is unprobable and unreasonable, the wonder of it is the uncertainty of it. Speaking about loving yourself seems against the very essence of the word, it seems to me.
of course you have to respect and love yourself and strive to be good to others. nothing wrong with that like. if i didnt love meself and life a little bit i might never have got through some bad times.
pagan2002 said:
of course you have to respect and love yourself and strive to be good to others. nothing wrong with that like. if i didnt love meself and life a little bit i might never have got through some bad times.

having not the best days of my life more and more think I should change, because they don't like to see me this way. I am starting to believe they are right, but I think now the problem (at me) is actually that I do love myself... love myself the way I am. that's why I don't wanna change, since I would find another person looking back from the mirror, and not me. But this way I stay the same damn sensitive girl who is ok if there's no problem, but if there is uhhhhhh...