14 years old dudes doing some crabcore (5150+Krank Rev+Krank Cab)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I recorded this band and it's the first band I'm mixing in my "studio". It's also the first time using all my new stuff and I'd like to know what you guys think.

Drums are Superior 2 + Slate, nothing fancy here. But I had some time to play around with micing up an amp at full volume for the first time. Guitars got reamped through a 5150 and Krank Rev 1 (all 4 tracks are hard-panned). I used a single 57 into my api 3124.

The band is very young and I was pretty impressed how prepared they came into my studio. Singer is around 18, guitar players only 14! If they keep playing I think they can become pretty good musicians.

i dont understand why this is crab core?? it sounds like hatebreed mixed with haste the day or something. pretty good for 14 year olds considering my capabilities at that age.

Production wise it sounds alright. What sticks out is the drums sound kind of weak. They are mixed kind of low too. Maybe some compression and tape saturation could help?
plenty of compression and tape saturation on the drums. Maybe I'll raise the parallel comp again. I was focusing on guitars today so that could be the reason they're too low in the mix.
definately not crabcore im digging it! Sentenced To Burn nailed the Hatebreed/Haste The Day comparison, Emdprodukt i didn't find anything wrong in the song, only thing maybe is on the vocals i think they stand out maybe too much in some parts, maybe some automation or some compressing would do it! and one other thing is,,i heard something weird in the left channel with the guitar @ 00:15 like suddenly the tone changed a bit or something or is it just me? :rofl:
thanks axel, this is still a rough mix of some sort so there's not too much automation going on atm. Can't find anything weird in the guitars but I'm listening on my laptop speakers right now.