
Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I don't know what you guys think but this year is, imho, the best year in metal in a loooong fucking time. The sheer amount of great material getting pumped out this year is insane. I have a headache! :erk:
Nothing has been completely mindblowing, even the real high quality stuff like Drudkh, Hate Forest, Ufomammut, Into Eternity, Grip Inc., and several others, these are all 8/10 releases that might flirt with 9/10 on a good day, last year produced 3 albums that dance close to my Top 10 of All Time even.

2003 > 2004

this year is still pretty good and I'm not complaining mind you
I agree, 2004 is producing quality album after quality album. Last year produced only a few truly exceptional albums, as did '02, but '04 slays 'em, and there's still 4 months to go and tons of new releases expected.
2004 is a fantastic year for metal. Especially all the death metal releases, such as Malevolent Creation, Insision, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Decapitated, Vader..
1999 > all other years, for me at least. 2004 is about on-par with 2003, IMO. Some great releases, some good, and some disappointments. I'd have a hard time finding 10 releases worthy of a top 10 list yet, though. Probably 5-7, but I haven't heard Neurosis yet and Mastodon hasn't had enough play time. Plus, I found several 2003 releases that I missed that would've made the list last year, so I'm going with 2003 now. 2003 > 2004

But still, 1999 = greatest.
I'll be surprised if I end up with more than half a dozen new albums this year...hang on, I'm on that already :erk: 6 + Megadeth & Judas Priest = 8 :eek: unprecedented amount for me! Yikes, well there you go!
And I'll bet you any money, a year or two down the line I'll have shitloads more stuff from this year that I missed. Happens every time!

Since last summer I've felt that the mood for rock&metal has improved greatly, along with the amount of quality product being put out. Two great years on the trot for me :)
I'm in no position to dispute that 2004 has been an excellent year, but as far as being better than last year, that will be determined by the strength of the fall release schedule. One observation I can make is while 2003 seemed to be dominated by the experimentalists, this year's best metal releases are generally more rooted in tradition, but with lots of modern touches...
i seriously don't understand how you guys have time to keep yourself updated on the current releases as well as pick up older ones recomended here. not to mention that some of you has wife and even kids (!) :loco:

i think i've heard four 2004 albums so far, perhaps five hehe
Yeah, "Towers of Avarice" did make 2001 a great year, but the sheer number of great releases in 1999 wins for me. Aghora, Control Denied, Nevermore, and some others I'm forgetting. I'll have to consult my list at home.

I think I have like 5 or 6 CDs from 1986. 1988 is where I started really getting into metal.

I generally get about 30 releases from a year, at least since 1999. I hear a lot more than that, but only buy the ones I like. I also try to find back catalog releases that I missed, but mostly I focus on newer stuff. And I'm pretty mild compared to most of the crowd here. I reckon some of you get 100 new releases a year at least.
I probably bought 100 CDs last year (probably half of which were released 2003), if not more. I've never gone on a year long binge like that before and probably won't again since there are still some I haven't listened to. :loco:
This year has produced some real gems.

Strong contenders right now.... in no particular order....

GRIP INC. - Incorporated

MAYHEM - Chimera


MASTODON - Leviathan

MEGADETH - The System Has Failed

CRADLE OF FILTH - Nymphetamine


SCORPIONS - Unbreakable

DIO - Master of The Moon

DOKKEN - Hell To Pay

AYREON - The Human Equation


CANNIBAL CORPSE - The Wretched Spawn

TESLA - Into The Now

EXODUS - Tempo Of The Damned

DEATH ANGEL - The Art Of Dying

ICED EARTH - The Glorious burden

GOD FORBID - Gone Forever

MY DYING BRIDE - Songs Of Darkness, Words of Light

NEUROSIS - The Eye Of The Storm

SUFFOCATION - Souls to Deny

SUSPERIA - Unlimited

PECCATUM - Lost In Reverie

DISMEMBER- Where Iron Crosses Grow

JERRY GASKILL - Come Somewhere

Man... and to think there are still a bunch more to come in the next few months!!

I keep forgetting about that new Scorpions. And I'm intrigued by the new Dio. I didn't even know it was out til I went into Virgin on Tuesday and saw it in the Kerrap charts :S
2004 is looking to be fantastic...

OK, thus far for top contenders (in no order):

Wolverine - Cold Light of Day
Megadeth - System has Failed
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion
Woods of Ypres - Pursuit & Allure...
Orphaned Land - Mabool
Mars de Grises - The Tatterdemallion Express
Jag Panzer - Casting the Stones
Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt
Void of Silence - Human Antithesis

Other great releases that may or may not end up in this leading list:

Runemagick, Death Angel, Exodus, Hate Forest, Deathspell Omega, Magyar Posse, Pelican, Iced Earth (the second disc), Blut Aus Nord (although this should be 2003 I guess).

I can't judge Amon Amarth or the new Vader until I've heard them in their entirety, but so far pretty good...

...and I'd really like to hear the new Mastodon.

Slough Feg I guess won't release anything until next year, which is of course when the Hammers release their next album, so I'm already salivating at the knob for 2005.

Still, 2004 is looking great, but I agree with Adrian (and others) that there is no single release that seems to be unequivocally head and shoulders above the rest....and as history always show, it probably won't come my way until next year.