2007 Fest recap interviews w/ Atheist, Solitude Aeturnus, Novembers Doom, Martyr...

Chris Lotesto

Uncle Fester
Aug 6, 2004
Benedictum, Shatter Messiah and Suspyre....these interviews
were conducted for inclusion in this year's program...while they
all couldn't be included, we're making them available on the fest
site, in their entirety, for your reading pleasure. They're pretty
cool reads so check them out....

Very special thanks to Jodi Michael, Ryan Ogle, Scott Alisoglu
and Patrick Forsyth for making these happen, we really appreciate
your time and effort, great job!! :headbang:


Solitude Aeturnus


Novembers Doom


Shatter Messiah


Awesome idea - I'm glad to read that the bands all enjoyed the festival and were pleased with the promotors. That can go a long way with landing some of the bigger bands in the future, and maybe even helped this year too.

Actually, our singer Aaron answered the questions....and that wasn't one of them. :p

Tis cool. Just ball bustin'.....
You guys def deserve any slot on the gig, given what you guys all put into making it happen......

Yeah, make the new guy do it!!!!
I hope he drives the van too!!!!
Aww, awesome! I didn't know they had been posted already. Thanks, guys!!! That ND interview would have been three times as long if I hadn't cut it down...I think I egged Paul on a little too much. :lol:
Hi folks, this is Patrick. I conducted the interview with Clay of Suspyre. The interview was actually done nearly a year ago, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity. Also very happy to see it posted here.