2008 Presidential Candidates

Dunno, but Cthulhu and I will bring an end to your insidious regime

Of course there will be an epic battle as well
"My faith is my life - it defines me. My faith doesn't influence my decisions, it drives them. For example, when it comes to the environment, I believe in being a good steward of the earth. I don't separate my faith from my personal and professional lives." :erk:

"I support and have always supported passage of a constitutional amendment to protect the right to life. My convictions regarding the sanctity of life have always been clear and consistent, without equivocation or wavering. I believe that Roe v. Wade should be over-turned." :erk:

"But I am running to completely eliminate all federal income and payroll taxes. And do I mean all - personal federal, corporate federal, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare, self-employment." :erk:

EDIT: He's also a creationist and a bigot towards homosexuals. If he gets elected (he won't, thank reason) I will never come back to the US.
I have faith (lulz) that enough Americans use their brains and don't cast a vote for that guy. He is like the antithesis of everything I believe. The fact that he is even considered a viable candidate hurts me. He is so wrong. I just don't know what to do. :(

I'm glad it came up Kucinich, since that's who I actually support. Although my vote is irrelevant because Obama will easily take the Illinois primary.

Isn't it odd that just about no one has come up with Clinton or Obama, and almost every response has Kucinich on it? If his name was Smith, and he was tall and anglo-looking, then he'd definitely be the front runner. Sadly, appearances strongly factor into elections.

Ron Paul is kind of nutty. I don't know why he gets so much support. Some of his stances are good, but he wants to abolish the income tax, which is the worst idea I've ever heard. That alone negates him in my book. It's too bad there's no "Tax the fuck out of the rich" candidate. That's who I'd really like. Never going to happen though. That wasn't an option on the tax reform question somehow.
Yeah, because getting rid of taxes is a bad thing :rolleyes:

Though, I can understand why getting rid of the income tax (at least now) would be a bad idea. Half of the government's budget comes from personal income taxes. If you cut government spending significantly, the personal income tax rates can be diminished partially. Taxes are necessary for the government to work, so abolishing all tax is unrealistic. I wouldn't be against overhauling the income tax system and making it a flat tax rate though. That's how it is in Hong Kong and it's wealthier than we are. 'Taxing the fuck out of the rich' only hurts the middle class, which is the group of people who need the most help.

You would also need to define who is 'rich', but that is another subject entirely. Anyone who makes more than you is considered rich to be honest.
Yeah, because getting rid of taxes is a bad thing :rolleyes:

Though, I can understand why getting rid of the income tax (at least now) would be a bad idea. Half of the government's budget comes from personal income taxes. If you cut government spending significantly, the personal income tax rates can be diminished partially. Taxes are necessary for the government to work, so abolishing all tax is unrealistic. I wouldn't be against overhauling the income tax system and making it a flat tax rate though. That's how it is in Hong Kong and it's wealthier than we are. 'Taxing the fuck out of the rich' only hurts the middle class, which is the group of people who need the most help.

You would also need to define who is 'rich', but that is another subject entirely. Anyone who makes more than you is considered rich to be honest.

He wants to get rid of income tax and raise sales tax to compensate.
This way illegal immigrants will pay taxes through everything they purchase.Also people wouldn't loose a huge chunk of cash when April rolls around, instead they would end up paying close to the same amount of money over a longer period of time.
This plan may cause the economy to suffer a little at first
but it would help business thrive since they would no longer pay taxes and people will most likely buy their product anyway.
So to me this sounds like a great idea. The only concern to me is how he will implement it and what the initial effects will be.
The sales tax is going to have to be fairly hefty if Paul's intention is for it to replace the federal income tax.

People would still have to pay taxes for things like medicare and social security (I say just abolish that. I'm never going to see any of it anyway) as well as state and local taxes. Having a national sales tax would cause more problems in the long run, I think. (EDIT: Nevermind, the tax would abolish SS and Medicare taxes, but that's a bad thing I think given what their ultimate goal is)

The ultimate goal should be to cut spending, not taxes. Cutting spending will result in cutting taxes or create a surplus so the government can start paying off some of our debt.


* Enables workers to keep their entire paycheck
Until they decide to spend, and then half of it alone would go to sales tax, so it would be pointless

* Enables retirees to keep their entire pension
Assuming you don't spend anything, which is impossible. If you spend money, it's taxed, so you can't keep all of it. You end up spending more for less, basically

* Reimburses the tax on purchases of basic necessities
What's basic for one person isn't basic for another. I'm assuming, though, that this would include utility bills, which would be a good part of the bill

* Allows American products to compete fairly
American products could compete fairly if there weren't socialist business policies on the books. Eliminate those and you'll have fair competition

* Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy
There really wouldn't be tax policy if there was one tax on EVERYTHING

* Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding
You can't fund something if no one pays in to it. The problem with having just one tax is that there's no definitive place to separate the money. Legislators have to figure out what portion of the tax goes to SS, what portion goes to medicare, etc. My solution would be to get rid of social programs and just put the money saved by eliminating those programs towards the following:
1) Governmental expenses
2) Health care (to an extent)
3) Education

* Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation
You can't have loopholes if there's no tax code. Though, loopholes exist for everything, so that's irrelevant.

* Abolishes the IRS
But a new body will be installed to manage the revenue generated from the sales tax! Same bullshit, different name.
The sales tax is going to have to be fairly hefty if Paul's intention is for it to replace the federal income tax.

People would still have to pay taxes for things like medicare and social security (I say just abolish that. I'm never going to see any of it anyway) as well as state and local taxes. Having a national sales tax would cause more problems in the long run, I think. (EDIT: Nevermind, the tax would abolish SS and Medicare taxes, but that's a bad thing I think given what their ultimate goal is)

The ultimate goal should be to cut spending, not taxes. Cutting spending will result in cutting taxes or create a surplus so the government can start paying off some of our debt.
First off, I believe it's Huckabee that wants to ditch the national income tax. although I don't know Paul's ideas about it.
Secondly, I agree to cut government spending, I think downsizing some government programs is necessary along with the government being more careful with the money it has.