2008 Presidential Candidates

I actually agree with Paul on shrinking the government down to what it initially was supposed to be: protect the inalienable rights of its citizens.

I might have to vote for this guy in the next election
Abolishing the income tax and raising the sales tax is not a good idea imo. The sales tax would have to be massive to compensate and that would 1) hurt the economy because people would buy less and 2) hurt poor people. If you think getting rid of or lowering taxes is a good thing, you have your head in the sand, because last I checked we have a massive deficit caused by so called "fiscal conservatives". The government should be there to help out its citizens and it needs money to do so. I'd rather pay taxes and have healthcare, law enforcement, education etc. than not to and be abandoned to the wilds of competition and unregulated greed.

Also Ozzman, socialist business policies? Are we living in the same country? Oh right, but even in Canada corporate welfare is paid out in a 3:1 ratio to normal people. Just imagine what it is like in the US.
I actually agree with Paul on shrinking the government down to what it initially was supposed to be: protect the inalienable rights of its citizens.

I might have to vote for this guy in the next election

True, libertarianism is nice in concept, but of course there are problems with the idea; people now depend on the government to baby them in a lot of cases...taking this away so instantly will cause major problems, as far as I can see. However, he won't win because he only campaigns to Youtube (wtf?) and while I guess that's semi-respectable (he's not being a huge cock spending a shitload of money on pretentious promise ads on your television sets), it's not helping him much...most of the people going "YEAH RON PAUL TOTALLY I WILL VOTE FOR HIM I SAW HIM ON YOUTUBE" quite simply, will not vote at all most likely.
I know I said the government should throw money into education, but it shouldn't be a government run education department.

The government owes people nothing. Nothing except the protection of their inalienable rights. The government doesn't owe you pension security, the government doesn't owe you health care, the government doesn't owe you a welfare check.

You are in charge of yourself. No one feels they are responsible for themselves anymore. All anyone is looking for anymore is a fucking handout. All social welfare programs should be abolished because they promote laziness.

Health care should be privately funded by non-profits. I would be okay with government grants to it, but only a specific amount per year. That, of course, has its drawbacks, but I don't know how everyone would be ablw to afford health care without either involving the government or regulating the health care industry, which I am against.

CC: I suppose I should elaborate on socialist business policies. I guess that wasn't the right terminology to use. Corporate welfare should be abolished, imo. I am one of the biggest proponents of free-market capitalism you will probably encounter and corporate welfare is, in a sense, socialist. Businesses are being helped out by the government for whatever reason. It shouldn't happen. If a business can't survive on its own in a particular industry, they will either shift their business strategy or perish. If they can't compete in the marketplace without existence, they shouldn't be in that particular industry in the first place.

Libertarianism is an awful concept mostly.

How? I don't see how having the government baby people with social programs is any better.
Sorry, didn't know you lived in Utopia Ozzman. Around here though not everyone can get education and get a good job. Not everyone who works makes enough to survive. Not everyone can afford healthcare from these mythical non profits.
I didn't say I did live in utopia. It's merely an idea and it's the state society is in frankly. If a lot of shit wasn't regulated, people would have more money. If government spending was cut, taxes would be lower and we'd have more money.

I'm merely bouncing ideas off people. No where did I say anything about a fucking utopia, nor did I say that's how things were here. Quit putting fucking words in my mouth
Who would have more money? The rich would. I called it Utopia because in the real world letting things run free doesn't work. There was a time of unrestrained capitalism at the beginning of the industrial revolution. There was a reason things were regulated.
Redistributing wealth just fucks the people who actually earned that wealth. Why should I give my fucking money that I earned to someone who might not deserve it?

No thanks. Again, 'taxing the fuck out of the rich' doesn't work.

Also: Any services that the people 'need' should be run by state and local governments. It keeps the federal government from fucking with the funds and using it for arbitrary reasons.